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    My chameleon is extremely bored of crickets, so I want a new food source. I am going to order Blaptica Dubia Roaches but they will take a while to get here. Are (small) hissing cockroaches ok to feed as a treat? I ask this because my friend breeds them and says she always has too many, so she...
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    Possible dehydration?

    My chameleon may possibly be a little dehydrated. Her eyes aren't sunken in or anything, but she has yellow/orange in her urate. She almost never drinks in front of me, only if I am away....I know she drinks because if I peek around the door I see her drinking. Same with eating. So, to keep her...
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    Chameleon Staying in one spot?

    I don't think this is really an emergency or anything, but I just wanted to make sure this is alright. My female Jackson chameleon, just over a year old, usually stays in one spot of the cage throughout the day. She stays way up at the top of her cage like 6 inches away from her UVB bulb. She...
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    chameleon question

    She FINALLY pooped! It only took a flippin' week!
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    chameleon question

    thanks. So, I just get small pieces of pear and feed it to the dubias? Thanks..helps alot!
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    soil concern?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Female Jackon's chameleon, a tad over a year old. Handling - Almost never, only to clean the cage. Feeding - I used to feed gutloaded crickets, but she stopped eating those very recently. I did feed like 7 waxworms friday, I know that is way to much but...
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    soil concern?

    Yes, I am using miracle grow organiic soil. It is pure dirt, no fertilizer, stones, bark, etc.
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    chameleon question

    wow...that is a LONG time.......I think she will poop in a day or so. I will definitely stop feeding waxworms least for a year
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    chameleon question

    Sorry, no one was answering for a while so I posted another thread, sorry!!:o Ok I will do the rock thing. Do I have to bake them or just put them in the enclosure? Also, she is not lethargic or anywhere near the bottom, so I dont think she is impacted. Thank you so much! You gave me a lot...
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    chameleon question

    she actually is a Jackson chameleon, over a year old. She does not look like she is pregnant, she hasnt gained a tremendous amount of weight, only a little because of the waxworms.
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    soil concern?

    A while ago, I put in a live pothos plant in my chameleon's enclosure with organic soil with no fertilizers. Lately she hasnt been pooping a lot, so I am not sure if she somehow got blocked up by that. It is at the bottom of the enclosure, d she stays at the top, and I have never actually...
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    chameleon question

    She wasnt eating for a few days. So i figured it may be that she was bored of crickets. When I gave her waxworms she ate like 7. That was friday. She hasnt pooped since then, I couldnt find any at least. She pooped like 2 days before friday, and I found another one in a plant today but I dont...
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    chameleon question

    my chameleon has not pooped in a few days, and I need some help. I can increase the temps, but I do not know what is the problem. Thank you so much!
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    Chameleon Poop?

    She still does produce urates however, and they are nice and white. No poop yet though.
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    Chameleon Poop?

    For a few days, my adult female Jackson cham would not eat. 2 days before that was when I saw her last poop. Then I gave her a lot of waxworms, like 7 because she didnt eat for a while and she ate them. I was just so excited she was eating I didnt even realize that I fed her too many! I fed her...
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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    She is finally eating! I think she was just bored of crickets. I got some waxworms and she went bonkers for them! I just kept them coming, but then I realized I fed her like 7........oops:rolleyes:
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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    I pretty much feed all ways. I set a bowl in there sometimes, she doesnt eat from their. hey usually get out so they free roam, and sometimes I just throw crickets in the cage. Sometimes I use tweezers, sometimes I use my hand, it really depends what mood Im in, I pretty much feed her all ways...
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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    Another photo
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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    I'll fill out this and post up some pictures. Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - 1 year, 2 month old Female Jackson chameleon. I have had her since June. Handling - Only to clean the cage and adjust plants. Feeding - I mainly use crickets, but I offered waxworms today and I...
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    How do I get my chameleon to eat?

    sorry everybody i posetd this twice by accident oops...:rolleyes:
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