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  1. EVEJ88

    Swollen joints?

    Thank you!
  2. EVEJ88

    Swollen joints?

    How's little Moe? Did he get any treatment? Chucky goes out for couple of hours to catch some sun. I'm not sure if he's lacking of UVB. Maybe I'll get him an extra UVB light for his enclosure. Thank you!
  3. EVEJ88

    Swollen joints?

    Thank you, I would hate to see him suffer
  4. EVEJ88

    Swollen joints?

    Maybe I'm being paranoid, but Chucky seems to have swollen joints, and I am afraid he may be showing signs of MBD...
  5. EVEJ88


    Here's my little guy
  6. EVEJ88


    No he wasn't
  7. EVEJ88


    He has not shown any of those signs. The saliva strings disappeared. As of yesterday, he has not opened his mouth. I hope this is a good sign
  8. EVEJ88


    If he opens his mouth often even at night, do you think that is an early sign?
  9. EVEJ88


  10. EVEJ88


    No, but I did notice that today he had is mouth opened even when the weather was cold.
  11. EVEJ88


    i have been reading about respiratory infection, and I can't help but to get a bit worried. I noticed my baby has long strings of saliva when he opened his mouth, and when I'm handling he makes a wheezing sound, but without any movement. Could these be signs of early respiratory infection?
  12. EVEJ88

    Lady's man!

    Picking up flowers for the girlfriend!
  13. EVEJ88

    Sick chameleon

    She doesn't look that bad. Dex was diagnosed with MBD last month and now he has grown couple of inches. She needs sun light, lots of them if you can. I didn't have to force feed Dex, he used to get hot under the sun and opened his mouth, so that's how I fed him. I smashed couple of crickets (it...
  14. EVEJ88

    Fungal infection?

    I removed all the branches close to the lights to avoid more burns
  15. EVEJ88

    Fungal infection?

    I put some Neosporin last night and today. It may be too soon to tell, but it does look like it will be burns.
  16. EVEJ88

    Sick chameleon

    Is she able to eat on her own?
  17. EVEJ88

    Fungal infection?

    That's what I thought it would be, but it looks like it's spreading :(
  18. EVEJ88

    Fungal infection?

    I'm not too sure if these are burns or he has a fungal infection. His appetite is the same, but he does appear lethargic.
  19. EVEJ88


    Dexter started shedding yesterday, and I notice dark spots on his back. He usually gets dark spots when he's shedding, but these look big! Some people say it could be burns.
  20. EVEJ88

    I see you!

    Really?! Yes, Dex is grumpy most of the time.
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