Swollen joints?


Maybe I'm being paranoid, but Chucky seems to have swollen joints, and I am afraid he may be showing signs of MBD...


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The arm looks weird in the first picture. It could just be the picture but he looks fine in the other pictures.
Is he getting enough uvb? Take him out for some natural sunlight. I could be wrong but i think swollen joints would be a sign of gout and not mbd. With that being said my veiled has gout, and in my opinion yours doesn't look like it does. I would say if he starts to not put weight on an arm or leg and let's it hang I'd suggest taking him to a vet asap to get it checked out. Or if it starts to look noticeably swollen (to the point where you'd know it's swollen without having to ask the forum). Anyways, nice cham! he looks just like my Moe in the last picture.
Is he getting enough uvb? Take him out for some natural sunlight. I could be wrong but i think swollen joints would be a sign of gout and not mbd. With that being said my veiled has gout, and in my opinion yours doesn't look like it does. I would say if he starts to not put weight on an arm or leg and let's it hang I'd suggest taking him to a vet asap to get it checked out. Or if it starts to look noticeably swollen (to the point where you'd know it's swollen without having to ask the forum). Anyways, nice cham! he looks just like my Moe in the last picture.
How's little Moe? Did he get any treatment?
Chucky goes out for couple of hours to catch some sun. I'm not sure if he's lacking of UVB. Maybe I'll get him an extra UVB light for his enclosure.
Thank you!
That should be enough uvb then, just make sure you replace your bulb every 6 months. They will still emit light but not uvb. Moe is doing good, at least the best he could be considering the circumstances. Thanks for asking. I have to give him oral meds every day for the rest of his life. He's shown improvements in his activity, He is basically back to normal. However he did recently become unable to curl/ use his tail. I noticed he wasn't using it for the past month and he was only able to curl it about half way. A couple weeks ago I noticed it just hangs there. He can only bend it a little past the base and it sort of makes a U shape. If you look closely in my profile picture you can sort of see it. I like to keep my profile updated with a recent picture of him.
That should be enough uvb then, just make sure you replace your bulb every 6 months. They will still emit light but not uvb. Moe is doing good, at least the best he could be considering the circumstances. Thanks for asking. I have to give him oral meds every day for the rest of his life. He's shown improvements in his activity, He is basically back to normal. However he did recently become unable to curl/ use his tail. I noticed he wasn't using it for the past month and he was only able to curl it about half way. A couple weeks ago I noticed it just hangs there. He can only bend it a little past the base and it sort of makes a U shape. If you look closely in my profile picture you can sort of see it. I like to keep my profile updated with a recent picture of him.
Awww I'm sorry to hear that, but at least he his still fighting. It hurts so much to see them suffer because you feel so helpless
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