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  1. heterochromia

    Gravid Female?

    Wow, thank you for all the advice! I mist her cage at least twice daily, I also have a dripper running during the daytime & I have had the humidifier/fogger I made on for 30 min+ everyday. What is the difference of feeding her 4/5 everyday vs. 8 every other day (what I was doing)? I was worried...
  2. heterochromia

    Gravid Female?

    Highest basking temp is 95, although she prefers the lower spot of 86. She's in an 18 x 18 x 36 and I was planning on that being her permanent home. I got her from LLL reptile as a juvenile, (they're supposed to be 7-8", although she is smaller) that's why I was feeding her every other day, I...
  3. heterochromia

    Gravid Female?

    I feed her 8 crickets every other day
  4. heterochromia

    Gravid Female?

    I went over and she ran over to me :") Not really sure why, maybe she just wanted to pose :ROFLMAO: I don't know if you can tell anything from this pic, her leg is kinda in the way. I can take another one if needed.
  5. heterochromia

    Gravid Female?

    I got my chameleon 6 days ago. She's very young to be gravid, only like 5/6 months (shes approx 5") Yesterday and today, I have noticed she has been near the bottom of the cage a lot more, normally in the pot of the pothos I have on the floor. Is it possible she is gravid already?
  6. heterochromia

    Can Chameleons Pee?

    It wasn't a urate.. just a couple orange drops.
  7. heterochromia

    Can Chameleons Pee?

    I just finished misting my chameleons enclosure and she isnt really too fond of that so she went and ran to cover. As she was doing this, her tail wrapped around my pinky and when I removed my hand I noticed there were three orange drops (if you have ever been dehydrated and peed, THATS the...
  8. heterochromia

    First Pictures

    Thank you so much! :LOL: Haha I think she was scared of the camera and was opening her mouth in a defensive way? I'm not too sure. I thought it was a funny pic :D
  9. heterochromia

    First Pictures

    I took this the day I got her but I didn't want to stress her out too much so it's not the greatest :ROFLMAO:
  10. heterochromia

    My Veiled Came Today!

    Somehow I missed your response :confused: I will definitely get pics of her later, I just wanted to give her time to settle in before I go paparazzi :LOL: I will do that, thank you!
  11. heterochromia

    My Veiled Came Today!

    Okay, awesome! So her mouth being open is okay? It's been closed for a while now.
  12. heterochromia

    My Veiled Came Today!

    it is about 8 inches down. The bulb is 100w, it is high 80s the closest to the bulb.
  13. heterochromia

    My Veiled Came Today!

    Sorry I'm responding so late, I had to wait for the thermometer to adjust. It is ~86 where she was, although the highest basking spot in the cage is a couple degrees higher.
  14. heterochromia

    My Veiled Came Today!

    Thank you everyone for the responses! I put her into her home asap. I misted her again, she hasn't been drinking anything yet so I'm a little worried. Right now she is under the basking light (about 8 in down) and her mouth is opened a little bit? I read that it is normal, but I am still...
  15. heterochromia

    First chameleon...maybe

    Here is the lighting I used: (I ordered it through amazon prime) 5.0 Reptisun 18" UVB $16 GE 18" Basic Flourescent Light Fixture $13 Zoo Med 100w (you can use any 100w bulb, it doesn't have to be for reptiles) $9, but amazon doesn't sell it anymore :( Zilla 8-1/2 Inch Reflector Dome $12
  16. heterochromia

    My Veiled Came Today!

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D YAAAAAAAAAAY I woke up (late, I'm sick) to my sister handing me the box & then got out the little baby. Now that I have her, I am wondering if anyone has any tips of what to do/not to do on the first days. My shipper said to keep the heat light off and give them an hour to...
  17. heterochromia

    Cute chameleon video if you need a laugh!

    I was watching some chameleon videos on youtube and somehow came across this.. if anyone knows Japanese and could translate, it would make it even better!
  18. heterochromia

    Sterilizing tree branches

    Okay thank you, I will try the bleach. Did you let it sit on before rinsing off or immediately rinse?
  19. heterochromia

    Sterilizing tree branches

    Hi everyone! Today I went out in the snow to chop off some cool branches for my enclosure I have been working on. I have read that the majority of people either bake their branches, clean them w/ a bleach mixture, or just put them in without doing anything. I read somewhere else bleach is very...
  20. heterochromia

    Cool news for the frog lovers!

    So apparently a genus of frogs that were thought to be extinct have reappeared!
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