Gravid Female?


New Member
I got my chameleon 6 days ago. She's very young to be gravid, only like 5/6 months (shes approx 5") Yesterday and today, I have noticed she has been near the bottom of the cage a lot more, normally in the pot of the pothos I have on the floor. Is it possible she is gravid already?
I went over and she ran over to me :") Not really sure why, maybe she just wanted to pose :ROFLMAO: I don't know if you can tell anything from this pic, her leg is kinda in the way. I can take another one if needed.


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I feed her 8 crickets every other day
You could bump up has feeding and give her 8 crickets everyday until she reaches sexual maturity or until she is around 6-7 months old. She doesn't look gravid. She may just be roaming around. What are your basking temps? How large is her cage?
Highest basking temp is 95, although she prefers the lower spot of 86. She's in an 18 x 18 x 36 and I was planning on that being her permanent home. I got her from LLL reptile as a juvenile, (they're supposed to be 7-8", although she is smaller) that's why I was feeding her every other day, I just assumed sh("was small for her age. I will start feeding her everyday! I do gutload my crickets already :)
No, don't feed her all she can eat everyday! If you do it will just cause her to produce more eggs which will be harder on a smallish young female, possibly stunting her growth. e. Even if you are planning on breeding her you should wait until she 's larger and older. I would feed her everyday but only 4-5 crickets or the equivalent in other prey food. Alphakenc is correct that gut loading the prey insects is important to your chameleon's growth and health. There are excellent gut load recipes on this website.
Highest basking temp is 95, although she prefers the lower spot of 86. She's in an 18 x 18 x 36 and I was planning on that being her permanent home. I got her from LLL reptile as a juvenile, (they're supposed to be 7-8", although she is smaller) that's why I was feeding her every other day, I just assumed sh("was small for her age. I will start feeding her everyday! I do gutload my crickets already :)
I would make her hottest basking spot 86. 95 is to high. Keeping the temps lowered will help along with the clutch size.
Even poor lighting can make them have darker colors. Try using an led light that's safe for her as extra lighting. Her plants will like it and she would to as well. That may help to show her colors.
I went over and she ran over to me :") Not really sure why, maybe she just wanted to pose :ROFLMAO: I don't know if you can tell anything from this pic, her leg is kinda in the way. I can take another one if needed.
I concur with the rest she is too young to be gravid. She looks a tad dehydrated is she drinking well? How often do you mist?
Wow, thank you for all the advice! I mist her cage at least twice daily, I also have a dripper running during the daytime & I have had the humidifier/fogger I made on for 30 min+ everyday. What is the difference of feeding her 4/5 everyday vs. 8 every other day (what I was doing)? I was worried she may be dehydrated, I haven't seen her drinking that much although recently she has been drinking well! I think she was just exploring, or possibly drinking from down there (that's where all of the water runoff is)
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