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  1. T

    interested in buying a chameleon

    just make sure u get as much info on caregiving as u possibly can before u buy....and dont buy anything under 3 months old....for a first chameleon a 4-6 month old may be a better bet to get urself into the chameleon world
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    BLUE veiled hatchlings fm Julirs Bertha & Botero

    hey....Tim here i think i got to see those little guys when we dropped lilly off.... kari and I were talking about maybe getting a male and another female out of those... and kari absolutely loved those crested geckos
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    Eyes closed while basking?

    i used a coil uvb bulb for my girls and learned later on that the coil bulbs are too harsh....creates too much harsh light which can cause blindness....the linear bulbs spred the amout of light evenly instead of having a spotlight the light in the cage is less harsh.... a coil bulb...
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    Favorite panther chameleon, Ampiskiana, or Red Bar Ambilobes?

    go to have a ton of panthers...they are all amazing!!!
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    Possible MBD

    u said earlier that when he was down at the bottom of the cage u would put him up on the top...and he was guess is that the mbd has been there for a while but that his legs broke due to a fall.... even if u could get him healthy enough to live he wont be able to climb...if even...
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    Possible MBD

    if the vet knows chameleons they can tell by looking at them if they have i doubt they will do xrays....and the price will change depending on what they would need to figure they weould give the little guy a calcium booster both his back legs look he eating??
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    Weak and Eyes stay closed

    you can grind up cricketts and some worms with some supplement...make a paste out of it...then take a little of the paste and smear it on the chams lips...walk away for a couple of minutes and see if ur cham licks it off..keep doing that till ur cham stops licking it off
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    Possible MBD

    yea for sure....we just had our 6 month old die not too lonng ago.....she had severe mbd and was laying on her belly at the bottom of the cage....get her to a vet asap.... i felt horrible when our Layla died...
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    females sleeping all day

    layla was 6 months....the last thread was a while ago..or a mistake....i got them both at a reptile expo back in october.....thanks all for ur help
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    females sleeping all day

    Sadly layla died yesterday....made her a bin for layin eggs....she climbed down to it...which was more like fell into it and laid there for a bit....she crawled around it for a little while but then about 20 minutes later she had died..... I have another female that is the same age...she like...
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    females sleeping all day

    Sadly layla died yesterday....made her a bin for layin eggs....she climbed down to it...which was more like fell into it and laid there for a bit....she crawled around it for a little while but then about 20 minutes later she had died..... I have another female that is the same age...she like...
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    females sleeping all day

    and yes she was hangin out on the ground of the cage for a couple of days before she became lethargic...where would i go and what kind of sand would i use to make a place for her to lay her eggs
  13. T

    females sleeping all day

    i have a red light that stays on at is much smaller...then the day lights....the uvb is in a clamp above the back corner of the cage.... the supplements say on the directions to mix together??? ill try to post pics
  14. T

    females sleeping all day

    ive also noticed that her face is turning white....we have another vieled as well....she is not having the same issues as layla but she too seems to be changing color...they both used to be very solid shades of in spots on them they are losing color and starting to turn white
  15. T

    females sleeping all day

    Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon - have a female vieled...about 6 months old * Handling - rarley if ever...only to clean the cage * Feeding - cricketts daily...pheonix worms weekly * Supplements - herpavite multivitamin/rep cal calcium with vitd mixture every other day *...
  16. T

    vieled growth

    we got the first 2 from a reptile expo... triple L came up for it and sold us a whole big setup...didnt know anything about them really but the better half had to have them i didnt find out till later that they were awful young...the jackson at the petstore is almost 6 months old.
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    vieled growth

    we have 2 cages....both seperated... we bought the pair when they were about 2 weeks old...tiny little things..they have doubled in size since then they eat about 10 pinhead cricketts a day... and get sprayed before and after work and later in the evening a couple hours before bed time...
  18. T

    vieled growth

    hey to the site... anyways i just picked up two female vieleds at a local reptile expo...they are both about 6 weeks old...and doing very well (eating, drinking, pooping) i was just wondering about the growth of the fast do they grow and how big should they be at about 6...
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