vieled growth


New Member
hey to the site...
anyways i just picked up two female vieleds at a local reptile expo...they are both about 6 weeks old...and doing very well (eating, drinking, pooping)

i was just wondering about the growth of the fast do they grow and how big should they be at about 6 or 7 weeks old?
Chameleons grow at rates according to their food intake. There is not real right or wrong about how big they are, although they can be severely stunted in growth. What we can do is tell you if they look healthy or not in some pictures. So post some pictures of your set up and the babies, and we'll do the best we can to answer your questions.
hi welcome to this addiction!!! So it scares me when people say they just bought 2 chams because usually they have them together... So my question to you is do you have them in the same cage?
hi welcome to this addiction!!! So it scares me when people say they just bought 2 chams because usually they have them together... So my question to you is do you have them in the same cage?

At that young of an age, they shouldn't be sold anyway... So, most of the time breeders have multiple neonates in a cage. So, even if they do have them together, it will be fine until they get about 8-10 weeks, which then they need to get seperate cages.
But that's only if the cage is big enough for both. So, what size cage do you have, and are you keeping them together?
At that young of an age, they shouldn't be sold anyway... So, most of the time breeders have multiple neonates in a cage. So, even if they do have them together, it will be fine until they get about 8-10 weeks, which then they need to get seperate cages.

8-10 weeks is not far away right from 6 weeks, right? So there for they should have seperate cages ready for when they do get to 8-10 weeks. I do agree that they should not be sold that young.
we have 2 cages....both seperated... we bought the pair when they were about 2 weeks old...tiny little things..they have doubled in size since then

they eat about 10 pinhead cricketts a day... and get sprayed before and after work and later in the evening a couple hours before bed time...

ill get some pictures up as soon as i can.

just a little fun fact....the 2 are technically my girlfriends and her daughters so im gonna pick up a jackson at the local pets store so as not to be left out...they just came in a couple days ago
Agh, don't support that pet store if they sell two week old babies! They shouldn't be sold until at least two months old.
we got the first 2 from a reptile expo... triple L came up for it and sold us a whole big setup...didnt know anything about them really but the better half had to have them

i didnt find out till later that they were awful young...the jackson at the petstore is almost 6 months old.
Oh, okay. Just make sure the animal looks healthy and okay. Also make sure your set up is perfect first, jacksons are a bit more sensitive to their surroundings than veileds. They need cooler temps and different supplementing schedules and what not.
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