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  1. JSkelt

    How To Sex Baby Panthers

    Hi! Could use some help :) Thinking this is a baby girl? 6ish weeks old? Any help with sex and locale at this age? He/she is very tiny, 2.5-3in max to tip of tail. That dowel she is on not much thicker than an iphone cable. Hope this photo angle is enough to tell. Thanks in advance!
  2. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    Been a while, wanted to provide an update: Randy was prescribed panacur by our vet, a 3-day course. Fecals were tested, he's all good to go. The worms Lenny had were classified by the vet as lungworms. Randy had his Surgery monday to repair his broken jaw ( had to wait for the panacur cycle...
  3. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    To lighten the mood after that last post, here is some chameleon eye bleach :) Randy, the chameleon I'm concerned about, is the panther in that video. You can also get a visual of the setup.
  4. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    I will heed your advice and wait. Thank you @jajeanpierre for taking the time to respond. The panacur I can acquire is indeed sold as a horse paste, Panacur 100 ( 100mg/g and it comes in a 25g tube ). I may have been ill advised from the internet and other posts that 0.1ml of this per 100g...
  5. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    Thank you for the references and shoutouts, @Andee ! I wish there were a way I could check my dude, as the wait for the vet appointment is going to be riddled with anxiety. I'm about to give him his SulfaTrim, will try to get him to gape and take a look to see if there is anything abnormal...
  6. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    I should receive proper vet attention in hopefully 72 hours, I have left a voicemail already, they know us well and I'm certain we will get first available appointment. Hopefully, I'm being over precautious. My nightmare would be he does have roundworms, and by the time fecals come back its...
  7. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    For help, based on guidelines: Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - 3.25yr old male ambilobe Handling - very rarely, only to administer medicine or move to free range area Feeding - 10-12 crickets / day. Megawords, hornworms for treats on occasion. Supplements - Fluckers calcium w/o d3 every...
  8. JSkelt

    Drug Interaction Question - backstory and details inside.

    Hello All, Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and assist. Heads up - this is a sad story, and I'm hoping it doesnt get any sadder. Looking for some medical advice before I can get to my exotic vet Monday. I have tried calling various vets, and even the ASPCA's 24/hr Animal Poison...
  9. JSkelt

    Jacksons - bump on back.

    Its been roughly 48hrs and I don't have a photo because he is sleeping on a hard to reach branch, but on inspection, i noticed the following: The bump is roughly the same size, maybe 10% smaller. Definitely not bigger. It is in the same spot. Skin undisturbed. More concerning is his recurring...
  10. JSkelt

    Jacksons - bump on back.

    This concerns me. Are there any additional signs that would be present? Could that be something transmitted by a feeder?
  11. JSkelt

    Jacksons - bump on back.

    Thanks for all of your replies! I have had him for 20months, believe him to be wc and 2yrs old. He came from a local, independent shop that has since closed ( owners more interested in breeding boas and pythons selling online than running full on pet store ). They said he was cb, but i have my...
  12. JSkelt

    Swollen eyes?

    Hey Dannyboy, Definitely seek treatment from a vet and keep your hopes up. I dealt with a very serious eye situation with my first cham, a wc jacksons ( Mr. Lahey ). I learned a lot as i went and attaching a few pictures of what i was dealing with. It was a very extreme case, as you can see...
  13. JSkelt

    Jacksons - bump on back.

    More info: 24x24x48 screen cage 2x mist king nozzles on timer, 2min 5 times a day Cool mist humidifier custom rigged with 3/4in tubing running 6hrs/day All water is distilled Diet: 75% crickets. 15% mealworms, 10% hornworms ( treats ) 6 crickets/day, lightly dusted every other feeding without...
  14. JSkelt

    Jacksons - bump on back.

    Hi! Seeking advice for hopefully a minor issue. Mr. Lahey ( Trioceros jacksonii ) has developed a small, hard bump on the upper left side of his body. Image attached. To the light touch it is quite firm, akin to a pimple ready to pop but deep under the skin. Eating very well. Diet and vitamins...
  15. JSkelt

    Trioceros jacksonii Eye Problem ( with pictures )

    Thank you, Lathis! Will up his hornworm diet a bit, all for that - luckily have them readily available down the street. He loves them, will never turn them down. They are slow so easy for him to strike. Haven't heard much on gut loading hornworms or even if that's a thing but if it is I'll do...
  16. JSkelt

    Trioceros jacksonii Eye Problem ( with pictures )

    Bump Please let me know if I didn't provide the right info or came in too hot with my Chams issues, my phrasing or what have you. My Jacksons is shedding again, and while nowhere as bad as last time, it's exagerated his eye again and I'm still very concerned. It is affecting his ability to...
  17. JSkelt

    Trioceros jacksonii Eye Problem ( with pictures )

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Trioceros jacksonii, possibly WC, approx 7-8mo? ( "Mr. Lahey" ) Handling – As needed only for medication. Approx 1x per day lately. Feeding - Daily: 3x crickets gut loaded w/ CricketCrack. 2-4x Superworms. Couple Dubias, 1 small Hornworm as treat after handling...
  18. JSkelt

    Advice Request: Need to leave town for a few days, require automated Misting Systems

    Sanababit, Nick_Barta, Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. Mistking is all dialed in on amazon. I love a lot of the more creative approaches I've seen on this forum but you helped to ease my mind on this purchase. Cant thank you both enough! Best, J
  19. JSkelt

    Opportunity Knocks: Mutually beneficial offer for right person

    Hi Everyone, I hope this is the right place for this. Mods, please advice if I'm out of line. I'm new to this community. Have kept reptiles ( mostly large boas and pythons ) my whole life, but have recently fallen in love with chameleons. My snakes have all been donated to fine folks who...
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