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  1. EvansP

    Odd Growth Along My Veiled's Spine :(

    two days ago
  2. EvansP

    Odd Growth Along My Veiled's Spine :(

    I just noticed a few days ago that there is an odd growth going along my chameleons spine. I am worried as to what it may be, anybody seen it before? The last pic is just to show my cham overall and see if you guys think Dexter is healthy looking, thanks. EDIT:Your Chameleon - Male Veiled...
  3. EvansP

    Dubia's as a staple?

    awesome thank you!!
  4. EvansP

    Dubia's as a staple?

    I just started giving my 7 month old chameleon large 1" dubias. He seems to like them :D are they OK to give him as a new staple diet? They are so much better (Less freakin smelly) then crickets! Also should I dust them just the same? And how many\often should i feed them to him. Thanks!
  5. EvansP

    Are my Crickets too Big o.O

    how do i breed crickets :O
  6. EvansP

    Are my Crickets too Big o.O

    thats exactly what i figured.. but nooo the pet lady said try large. They're like almost twice the length between his eyes -_- should i throw them out an go buy med's? He seemed to eat em fine today but im worried about digestion?
  7. EvansP

    Are my Crickets too Big o.O

    so I just bought LARGE crickets on advice from the reptile store owner. THey seem pretty damn big for Dexter lol, hes about 4-5 months an not THATT big. He seems to eat them alright, except he only eats 5 or 6 of em rather then the 12-15 mEdiums he would eat at a time. How do i know if they're...
  8. EvansP

    Has Anybody Used this Gutload Before?

    I saw this online, thinking about using it for my crickets. Anybody used it before? Pro's, Cons' would be appreciated!
  9. EvansP

    Are these lil darker spots stress marks?!

    thank god :O ahah i wouuld be bummed with a female :(
  10. EvansP

    Are these lil darker spots stress marks?!

    Am i allowed to bump this to the top o.O I wnna get an opnion on if its a spur!
  11. EvansP

    Are Meal (SP?) worms OK to feed my Veiled?

    Thanks alot :O will keep in mind :)
  12. EvansP

    Are Meal (SP?) worms OK to feed my Veiled?

    I asked my local cricket seller if they had anything different I could use to spice up Dexters staple of crickets and all she said they had is Meal worms. They're currently working on a Dubia Colony but didnt have any Superworms or other treats so she gave me a few meal worms to try out with...
  13. EvansP

    Are these lil darker spots stress marks?!

    Yess there is spurs! Ha multiple people have asked about that now :0 I'll try n get a pic tomorrow if I remember to but he def has spurs :0 EDIT: HERE is a Pic of What I Hope is a Spur!? lol input please! :)
  14. EvansP

    Are these lil darker spots stress marks?!

    Me an Dexter got bored so we took a few pics. Most of the time when i hold him he gets these darker lil specks on him. Stress marks!?:ee k:
  15. EvansP

    What are your chameleons names?

    Dexter :D Coolest Veiled in the gameeee
  16. EvansP

    Question About Using Dubias..

    Also if i wanted to Breed.. How many should i start with? For a basic colony for a single young Chameleon
  17. EvansP

    Question About Using Dubias..

    Im thinking about buying some Dubia Roaches for my little guy.. hes about 3 or 4 months old now.. (pet store wasnt sure and ive had for a month).. what size should i order for him? and also do i still need to dust the dubias as i have been with crickets?
  18. EvansP

    Yet another "Noob Question" Two Parter.. haah sorry!

    Hey i have a 3 month old Male Veiled Chameleon.. Two glass two screen cage. Indoors .. Couple questions! So the basking area at the top of my cage which is about 12 inches away form the bulb is 90 degrees.. is that good? too hot? too cold? he seems to spend alot of time hanging upside down...
  19. EvansP

    Quick Questiion about supplementing

    so my Calcium no D3 just came in the mail. it says on the container intended ONLY for reptiles grown in real sunlight?!?! Mines not in sunlight!! He goes out for 5 minutes or so every other day. Is this calcium still going to be ok?
  20. EvansP

    Misting Question!!!

    So I have a few questions on misting. I have a 3 month old Male Veiled. His stool seems normal, with a white and a black. But I see on here that eevrybody talks about misting for up to 5 minutes!? I give him a mist 3 times a day but its for no more then 15 seconds, just making sure the leaves...
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