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  1. Dannnyboy

    Swollen eyes?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? A female vieled Chameleon, it's about 6-8 months ago and been in my care for 3 months. Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Have never really handled it, only...
  2. Dannnyboy

    Swollen eyes?

    She eats like a champ, i feel so bad because I feel like maybe I have caused this :( I've only had her for 3 months so I'm wondering if she was sold like this to me. I bought her from a reputable reptile store here in Miami. I'm going to attach pics from when I got her and you let me know if you...
  3. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    I might just do that! Thanks a lot for your opinion. I want to buy some bamboo sticks so I can lay them horizontally but I can't seem to find them anywhere
  4. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    Yeah even tho I had the fountain I still did daily sprayings, I ended up taking out the green carpet and the fountain all together. I never seen her drink from the fountain either way. And I'm planning on buying her a bigger cage anytime now, would you know what's the best size reptibreeze?
  5. Dannnyboy

    Swollen eyes?

    Thanks, gonna have to take her to the vet tomorrow /:
  6. Dannnyboy

    Swollen eyes?

    What do you guys think? Had someone tell me her eyes look swollen and now has me worried :(
  7. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    Yeah it's a Cham bubble drinking fountain, he hasn't pooped in it or anything and it does have a filter. I might just it take it out completly.
  8. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    Yes I did buy the starter kit, I've read around and also read that it is a bacteria breeding ground. So I might just take it off completely. What do you guys put as a substrate for the bottom?
  9. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    I'm new to chams, I haven't noticed any weird with her eyes. I can post a couple pics and let me hear you guys opinion. What is edema btw?
  10. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    Thank you so much!
  11. Dannnyboy

    Enough foliage? Does my Cham look healthy?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if this is enough foliage for my little girl to hide in, she's been a darker color than when I first got her and I've noticed when I completely cover her cage with towels, her colors get very vibrant and blue but whenever I take everything off, she's gets dark. I...
  12. Dannnyboy

    Is my Cham sick :(

    And this is what I have for her laying bin, is that ok? I hope it's big enough, I'd say maybe a foot in height. And about 8 inch of Eco earth. And she started off today by hissing and trying to bite me, but I covered her cage with towels and when I went in for a peek she automatically came to me...
  13. Dannnyboy

    Is my Cham sick :(

    She looks bloated imo, I'll attach pics of her so I can get some opinions.
  14. Dannnyboy

    Is my Cham sick :(

    She just went down to the container I put for her, this is actually the first time I've seen her go down to the bottom so I'm starting to think she does have to lay eggs. I've caught her a few times eating the substrate, is that okay?
  15. Dannnyboy

    Is my Cham sick :(

    And I thought that might be what was going on as well, I put a container with some Eco earth on the bottom of the cage. I don't think she's noticed it yet but I was wondering if that is a good substrate for her if she has to lay eggs?
  16. Dannnyboy

    Is my Cham sick :(

  17. Dannnyboy

    Is my Cham sick :(

    I've had my Cham for 2 weeks and "she's" (I think it might be a female but I've had mixed answers) been eating fine, this morning I woke up to find she had pooped twice and they're was undigested superworms. She then ate a few crickets and 2 super worms and she had a normal stool. Then about an...
  18. Dannnyboy

    Age, and sex?

    You sure boss? Cause I seen to see a little spur and a bulge at the base of the tale. I'll attach a better pic
  19. Dannnyboy

    Age, and sex?

    From head to tail I would say about 12 to 14 inches, and thanks for reassuring it was a male my friend!
  20. Dannnyboy

    Age, and sex?

    Hey you guys, I'm new on here and I just bought this little guy about a week ago. I asked how old he was and the guy first told me one year then told me 6 months so now I'm wondering what his true age is. And he looks like a male to me because he does has little Spurs on the hind legs but I just...
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