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  1. Toph00

    In Need of Some Outdoor Cage Help!

    Awesome, thanks! I'll up his misting lengths and he already has plenty of stuff to hide in.
  2. Toph00

    In Need of Some Outdoor Cage Help!

    Hey all, I have panther that is a little over 2 years old... He is in a 24x24x48 all mesh enclosure and I have a Mist King system set for 8 separate 30-35 second mistings about every to every other hour from 7 AM - 7 PM. He is usually inside at my apartment with a basking spot around 90 degrees...
  3. Toph00

    Caption contest!

    There can only be one highlander!
  4. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    I didn't mean to stir up such controversy :'( my cham loves his gutload now that I have added the Raptor Edition DinoFuel and his yellows are really popping. I will continue to buy more DinoFuel in the future. No negative responses here :D
  5. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    theyre all so good lookin :D
  6. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    If Barnum is the one you are talking about, I pray my little guy turns out that way ;D
  7. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    yellow body BB?? you think so?? He is an Oh-My from Kammers, think he is just a special one? hahah Can anyone post a pic of their yellow body BB? Im curious to see what one looks like :D Ps- Kilgour, my guy loves his food now that there is dinofuel in the crix and occasionally sprinkled on...
  8. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    His cage is a little warm, I am going to change his heat lamp bulb from a 60w to something lower and see what happens
  9. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    Think I should order some regular DinoFuel to even out the colors?
  10. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    Yeah, for the past couple of weeks it looks like he is just a ghost in his cage. Its like he is a pale yellow now. His attitude has not change at all, just color. The Raptor edition brings out yellow, reds, and oranges. Think its that? He also has always gained more red on his chin and yellow on...
  11. Toph00

    Whats up with these colors??

    How does my one year old go from this... to this color? Its like he's turning all yellow or something. Could it be the DinoFuel Raptor edition I added to his diet? still a pretty guy regardless :rolleyes:
  12. Toph00

    Yoshi Found A Nice Perch And Showed Some Color

    hahahah thats awesome. i am tempted to put some hangers in my cage for my cham
  13. Toph00

    "Madagascar" on Animal Planet now !, go go go

    I was up until like 1 am watching it hahah
  14. Toph00

    Chameleon Brewing Company!?

    That's right my friends. Its real hahah So my 21st birthday was January 22. My girlfriend got me the beer of the month club where you get 12 of the finest beers shipped to you from all around the world. My first shipment got here today and 6 out of the 12 beers are from the Chameleon Brewing...
  15. Toph00

    Krash Update

    bahhhhh will do...
  16. Toph00

    Krash Update

    I hope not :( anyone know for sure?
  17. Toph00

    Krash Update

    As you all know, Krash decided to take a dump in one of my cups a couple days back in the thread I took him out today to hang out with some friends while watching a movie. He was pretty dark for a while and didn't move around much. I should...
  18. Toph00

    Thanks jerk....

    hahahahah two chams one cup! just wrong lol. And I guarantee I could house train him. All I would have to do is put my toilet on my window sill and string a vine across it. However, I don't think my neighbors would enjoy it very much when I would have to use the bath...window lol
  19. Toph00

    Thanks jerk....

    Lol I'm gonna have to wrap his bottom with a kleenex when he is wandering around
  20. Toph00

    Thanks jerk....

    So I had my cham out watching tv on my bed and he likes it when I put him near the window because he likes to watch the cars go by. I put him on a cup and right after I take some pictures of him....he looks at me and takes a HUGE dump in my cup.... what a brat lol anyways, I thought he looked...
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