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  1. Toph00

    New Free Range (PICTURES)

    woot! i'm gonna try the cup this week in his cage and see how it works
  2. Toph00

    New Free Range (PICTURES)

    I have the exact same thing, I was talking to him last week and he was very helpful on how to make one. My cham is still just having a little bit of trouble hitting the crickets so I was looking in to other ways of feeding. So far, the 'sunny d death trap' is working the best
  3. Toph00

    New Free Range (PICTURES)

    Couldnt large crickets just hop right out of a shallow cup like that??
  4. Toph00

    New Free Range (PICTURES)

    he has just been flailing it lately. Recently, I've been feeding him by using tongs one by one to make sure he gets all of his vitamins and minerals. Before that he would hunt in a cage by walking up and munching it after missing with his tongue a couple times. The only worry I have for cup...
  5. Toph00

    New Free Range (PICTURES)

    My cham is having some tongue problems, do you think I could still free range if I give him a branch for him to hang down and munch a cricket? or stick with a cage?
  6. Toph00

    New Free Range (PICTURES)

    what do you feed him out of that tiny cup?
  7. Toph00

    Hades my male Ambilobe ( 9 Pics )

    I have the exact same kind, an 'oh-my'! and my little guy looks nothin like yours haha
  8. Toph00

    Is there a Mist King black friday sale?

    I wish it was the starter :( the ultimate is a little much for my one little cham! lol
  9. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Can't wait to see the updated video :) hopefully my Cham can get the hang out it and doesn't starve!
  10. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    it'll be hard to rummage 100+ bucks up lol i'll probably have it in the next month or so after i finally get my 2x2x4 cage. is it necessary to keep the crickets out of the bottom of the sunny d bottle? cause my cham see the ones running around so i would ASSUME that he knows they are down there...
  11. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    I went out and made a sunny d death trap but all of the crickets seem to hang out in the cap of the bottle :/
  12. Toph00

    My new chams from repticon...

    Spartacus is beautiful!
  13. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    that seems pretty simple and effective. once i get my set up put together i am definitely gonna order one of those in the next month or two
  14. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    does the mist king turn off at night? I think i am going to get this set up. is the basic system good enough for a single cham?
  15. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    I have one of those large mist pump bottles and i spray it for like 10-15 seconds and everything is soaked lol is the mist king spray a lot more fine of a spray?
  16. Toph00

    wheres jackson?

    hahahah he is invisible! it took me a solid 5 minutes to find him. middle/right
  17. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Is is a mist king system really THAT good? It seems like it would get eeeeverything wet in a free range set up
  18. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    clean freakness will be tough for you then lol i'll definitely put some pictures up. This will probably be a month or so project. I am gonna try to ask my gf to get me either a 2x2x4 cage or a basic mist king system as an early xmas present some time this month. So I have to get the cage and a...
  19. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    yeah some fog trickling down would look pretty awesome lol its gonna be a pain to hook that up it sounds like though hahah
  20. Toph00

    2x2x4 plant??? That is what mine looks like but mine is a little more thinned out so it would fit to the cage better. It fills the cage out well but I want something he can go through and hang out in instead having to go over it. He never ever goes...
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