Cup feeding for free range!

yeah some fog trickling down would look pretty awesome lol its gonna be a pain to hook that up it sounds like though hahah

yes it, thats really the only drawback, and im a clean freak, so i want it functional as well as pleasing to the eye, or hidden out of sight..eventually i will have the ultimate free range set up, and draw up some plans for it..hey post up some pics when you complete your mission, i wanna see what you came up with..
clean freakness will be tough for you then lol i'll definitely put some pictures up. This will probably be a month or so project. I am gonna try to ask my gf to get me either a 2x2x4 cage or a basic mist king system as an early xmas present some time this month. So I have to get the cage and a tree for the cage. I have a crap fake ficus that i can work with in the mean time. But once I get that cage is when the fun begins hahah
Is is a mist king system really THAT good? It seems like it would get eeeeverything wet in a free range set up
Is is a mist king system really THAT good? It seems like it would get eeeeverything wet in a free range set up

I have a mistking and it works perfect. I only have mine on for 30 seconds at a time and it seems like just enough water to not soak everything, also I have it positioned to hit a certain spot and leave the other spot dry.
I have one of those large mist pump bottles and i spray it for like 10-15 seconds and everything is soaked lol is the mist king spray a lot more fine of a spray?
I have one of those large mist pump bottles and i spray it for like 10-15 seconds and everything is soaked lol is the mist king spray a lot more fine of a spray?

its a very fine spray. when it first turns on you can just watch all the little tiny water droplets start to beed on the leafs, its a very good misting system, all I really have to do is feed my guy in the morning and I can leave him alone all day and night, I have my lights on a timer and the mistking seconds timer works great
does the mist king turn off at night? I think i am going to get this set up. is the basic system good enough for a single cham?
does the mist king turn off at night? I think i am going to get this set up. is the basic system good enough for a single cham?

Yea it turns off at night. the mistking seconds timer is very simple all you do is set the current time and then you set the times you want your mistking to turn on at. Heres mine-

Lights on 8:00am

my mistking turns on at -

on 8:30.00am off 8:30.30am

on 10:30.00am off 10:30.30am

on 12:30.00pm off 12:30.30pm

on 2:30.00pm off 2:30.30pm

on 4:30.00pm off 4:30.30pm

on 6:30.00pm off 6:30.30pm

Lights off 8:00pm

So 6 times a day my cage gets misted for 30 seconds, and yes all you need is the basic that's what I have as well. Also in a few days I'll be setting it up on my free range.
that seems pretty simple and effective. once i get my set up put together i am definitely gonna order one of those in the next month or two
I went out and made a sunny d death trap but all of the crickets seem to hang out in the cap of the bottle :/
Yea it turns off at night. the mistking seconds timer is very simple all you do is set the current time and then you set the times you want your mistking to turn on at. Heres mine-

Lights on 8:00am

my mistking turns on at -

on 8:30.00am off 8:30.30am

on 10:30.00am off 10:30.30am

on 12:30.00pm off 12:30.30pm

on 2:30.00pm off 2:30.30pm

on 4:30.00pm off 4:30.30pm

on 6:30.00pm off 6:30.30pm

Lights off 8:00pm

So 6 times a day my cage gets misted for 30 seconds, and yes all you need is the basic that's what I have as well. Also in a few days I'll be setting it up on my free range.

hahahaha your schedule is almost identical to mine!! :D

by the way, i had just bought a second mist king set up this one was for the free range as the other is going to be for babies, and my other i got my second it was a basic system i found as a used demo model, well got a smokin deal on it (reason why i went for it) and received it damaged from pathetic usps (they really are retarded, do not trust usps, they are only good to deliver junk mail) i looked on marty's site and did not see the part i needed, so i emailed him, told him the issue, and because he never fails to be awesome, he offered to replace the part for free :)eek: what??!!! it wasent even his didnt even com from his place when i bought it!!! its used too!!) so im placing an order for a buncha extra stuff just because...go mist king, dont use anything else..marty really is the man!!:D
it'll be hard to rummage 100+ bucks up lol i'll probably have it in the next month or so after i finally get my 2x2x4 cage. is it necessary to keep the crickets out of the bottom of the sunny d bottle? cause my cham see the ones running around so i would ASSUME that he knows they are down there. i havent seen him eat on stray out of the bottle but i see him lookin around in there sometimes. the only reason i havent seen him eat one is cause i am not home the entire day. i hope he isnt going hungry!
it'll be hard to rummage 100+ bucks up lol i'll probably have it in the next month or so after i finally get my 2x2x4 cage. is it necessary to keep the crickets out of the bottom of the sunny d bottle? cause my cham see the ones running around so i would ASSUME that he knows they are down there. i havent seen him eat on stray out of the bottle but i see him lookin around in there sometimes. the only reason i havent seen him eat one is cause i am not home the entire day. i hope he isnt going hungry!

my chams got the hang of it quick, i think they know they hide on the bottom and also behind the coffee holder "walkways"..mine will peer at the bottom, or even just chill in front of it for awhile..every so often i hear a "thump.....crunch, crunch, crunch" lol:D
hahahaha your schedule is almost identical to mine!! :D

by the way, i had just bought a second mist king set up this one was for the free range as the other is going to be for babies, and my other i got my second it was a basic system i found as a used demo model, well got a smokin deal on it (reason why i went for it) and received it damaged from pathetic usps (they really are retarded, do not trust usps, they are only good to deliver junk mail) i looked on marty's site and did not see the part i needed, so i emailed him, told him the issue, and because he never fails to be awesome, he offered to replace the part for free :)eek: what??!!! it wasent even his didnt even com from his place when i bought it!!! its used too!!) so im placing an order for a buncha extra stuff just because...go mist king, dont use anything else..marty really is the man!!:D

when my mistking came in the mail the box was kind of dented from shipping and when I picked it up I could hear some rattling and was like not good...So I opened it and there was a broken fitting, I figured it got broken from shipping, but I contacted marty and he sent the parts out for free and it works perfect now
when my mistking came in the mail the box was kind of dented from shipping and when I picked it up I could hear some rattling and was like not good...So I opened it and there was a broken fitting, I figured it got broken from shipping, but I contacted marty and he sent the parts out for free and it works perfect now

seee..he really is just awesome..he really is on top of his game..i love that system..(haha as im typing it just went off ..LOL):D 5:00 exactly
it'll be hard to rummage 100+ bucks up lol i'll probably have it in the next month or so after i finally get my 2x2x4 cage. is it necessary to keep the crickets out of the bottom of the sunny d bottle? cause my cham see the ones running around so i would ASSUME that he knows they are down there. i havent seen him eat on stray out of the bottle but i see him lookin around in there sometimes. the only reason i havent seen him eat one is cause i am not home the entire day. i hope he isnt going hungry!

What do you have in the bottle for the crux to climb on?? Does it extend all the way to the very bottom?? After watching the linked YouTube video I made one myself, and I used window screen glued to the back and had it go all the way to the bottom.......the crux climb all over it now.
What do you have in the bottle for the crux to climb on?? Does it extend all the way to the very bottom?? After watching the linked YouTube video I made one myself, and I used window screen glued to the back and had it go all the way to the bottom.......the crux climb all over it now.

you just added to the design...awesome!!!!..i totally didnt even think about making that for it!!!! and i even have a whole bunch of the stuff extra!!...i will add that design in to the finished product when i make the vid of the "ultimate free range set up" its comming soon..and also the "pinheads" im producing(well females in bulk from a supplier just for laying)..
Can't wait to see the updated video :) hopefully my Cham can get the hang out it and doesn't starve!
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