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  1. Toph00

    2x2x4 plant???

    well I know where I am making a little trip to tomorrow lol I hope the Lowes here has a good nursery
  2. Toph00

    2x2x4 plant???

    and will do gr33n!
  3. Toph00

    2x2x4 plant???

    thats a beautiful tree! i have never seen it before though so i feel like i may have a hard time finding it. but then again i dont spend a WHOLE lot of time in plant stores or the plant section of home depot/lowes ;p how much did it cost to get that one?
  4. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    also, i've decided to go with a free range 'hybrid' i guess i would call it. i'm getting a 2x2x4 cage that i am gonna leave open and connect it to the hibiscus i will be getting soon with some thick fake vines or even some tubed lighting that i have which would look pretty BA haha p.s. i put a...
  5. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    at the moment I only have a dripper and I use a large pump sprayer that I use to spray a good 4-6 times a day until I get a basic mistking. How would you use a fogger?? I thought those were used for small chams in glass cages? shows my inexperience i guess, but i'm learning whenever i can! hahah
  6. Toph00

    2x2x4 plant???

    So I am upgrading to a 2x2x4 cage here soon. I am going to have a fake tree next to it with vines connecting it to the open cage. I have a schefflera in my smaller cage right now filling it up. I feel like the schefflera is more of a bush like plant which was good for my current cage but I would...
  7. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    alright. I got my version of a trap goin. They didnt have those giant sunny D bottles so I got a large 1 liter bottle of tea. It was clear so I wrapped it in paper towel and cut out the space over the hole so he doesnt get confused and hurt his tongue. I also got the coffee holders in there, Ill...
  8. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    I still dont feel very confident with doing a total free range. Do you have a drainage system for your setup? I think i may get a small tree and put it on a table and drill some holes in it with a bucket it under or something. it would just get a little expensive
  9. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    I got fed up with them so I put a towel on it and then threw it in the deepest corner of my closet hahaha its gotten a little better now
  10. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    gettin buck wild over here :) Do you have idea how to shut these crickets up? I have a bunch of large crickets in my cricket keeper and they are SO LOUD. I feel like I have been camping in the middle of a forest for the past couple of nights
  11. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    ahhhhhh thanks, that helped a lot! I never even thought about velcro. It looks like there are two cup holders in there? or is it one cut in half? By the way, pretty little fellers ya got there! .......Off to starbucks!
  12. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    I have bug burger I use from the Kammers when they sent me some supplies along with my cham, should i just throw a scoop of that down by the head of the bottle? (since its upside down) I plan on making a death trap today, is there any way you can take a pic of the inside of it so I can see...
  13. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Another P.S.- When you put those crickets in the sunny D death trap, how do you keep them fed? or do you let them gut load and them put them in there?
  14. Toph00

    Tongue STILL inaccurate?

    OOOOOHHHHH that makes much more sense now! I always figured gotta feed it to him, why not knock out two birds with one stone!? Now I see that I need to use ONLY multivitamin 1-2 a month. I will for sure try this method out and see how it goes. I just used one shaked and put a pinch of...
  15. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Thats an amazing deal! i definitely wont buy and not an A-hole lol nor do i have the will to over come my lazyness to actually do that hahah Do you still let them climb to the window in the winter time? Its gotten quite chilly where i am. I feel they wouldnt like that too much. I...
  16. Toph00

    Tongue STILL inaccurate?

    UVB light is about 5 months old, lookin to replace it soon. I have his heat lamp on the top corner of his cage in a heat lamp for him. I dust the crickets every day with the calcium plus and recently I have added a small dash of the multi vitamin as well. Feeding, I just bumped him up to the...
  17. Toph00

    Tongue STILL inaccurate?

    Chameleon-Ambilobe Panther Hatched May 11, 2011 Handling- Once - twice a week Suppliments-Repashy Super Foods Calcium Plus (bought from the Kammers) Water-I have the Big Dripper and a Mist bottle Feeding-Large dusted crickets gut loaded with Repashy Bug Burger (Also from Kammers) Cage...
  18. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Another big question is what keeps them from going to the floor and roaming around? I dont want him to get lost in or under all of my things in my room
  19. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    awesome! do you have fake vines going throughout the tree? and could you get me the details of the powersun bulb? or is that just it? and would I need to have it next to an open window or is the open window more of an extra that they like to use?
  20. Toph00

    Cup feeding for free range!

    Those are some really amazing ideas. a couple questions. How much does a good sized hibiscus tree like that cost? Do you use a UVB bulb or is it just the heat lamp + the open window with sunlight? Do crickets not jump out of your sunny D trap? (cause I have the little suckers running rampant in...
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