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  1. J

    bad boy of the clutch?

    Funny that is what the pet store told me to do........
  2. J

    bad boy of the clutch?

    I also have had a female veiled that acts the same way. I have had her for over a year and she acts exactly the same. I want to get her out! I was told by the pet shop that just getting her out and getting her used to me was the only way to break that habit, however she won't let me get close...
  3. J

    It's done!!!!!

    They are actually treated wood bird perches that already have a bolt and wing nut and so I just drilled holes into the back board and secured them with a washer and the wing nut. Here is a link to what I'm talking about...
  4. J

    It's done!!!!!

    It took me two days to do it but I finally got it all done. Here it is. I'm not at my apartment so I don't have all of the inside plants and vines in yet. But when I head back up tomorrow I will do some interior decorating.
  5. J

    Almost there!!!!!

    Now I have added a back board, more braces, and have stained and sealed it.
  6. J

    Almost there!!!!!

    The photo up-loader is absolutely awful. I have a bunch more pics but they won't upload.
  7. J

    Almost there!!!!!

    So I've been working all day and this is what I've got for you guys. The skeleton and the base.
  8. J

    Best feeder idea I have seen!!!!

    Your memory astounds me.
  9. J

    Best feeder idea I have seen!!!!

    So as I was looking around last night I found the coolest thing. The "Cricket Cup." I don't know if the maker is a member or not, but I will share this anyway because I know newer members, such as myself, would really like this!!:D
  10. J

    Builing my own

    Sweet thank you
  11. J

    Builing my own

    Would 16 inches be ok because it can't be too long or it will possibly fall off my dresser.
  12. J

    Builing my own

    Wow, duh she is a Veiled. Right, I was thinking 3 foot tall but I forgot to measure from the dresser to the ceiling before I left my apt for spring break
  13. J

    Builing my own

    Ok, so I am currently in the design stage of my new chameleon cage and I am curious as to if you think this will be big enough. It will be 30 inches long, 14 inches deep, and 30 inches tall. It will sit on top of my dresser.
  14. J

    Lighting Problems

    She is a Veiled. I'm getting a UVB tomorrow. She has the ceramic heater at night to keep the cage around 80-83 F. They go bad about once every 2 weeks or so. I'm going to start building a new cage tomorrow, I'm still working on the dimensions.
  15. J

    Lighting Problems

    Ok, I keep having lighting issues. Bulbs breaking, burning out, etc. could you guys give me some reccomendations on lighting. Currently she has a basking light in a typical light fixture, and a ceramic heater for the night time.
  16. J

    Looking to Build my own!

    Hey, I am looking at building my own cham set up. it will be going on top of my dresser. I have some questions as to what kind of supplies I should use. Here are my question: Type of Wood? Type of Screen? Inside plants? Put stuff on the bottom? How to set up a drain system? What kind...
  17. J


    Ok, right now I don't think she likes to be handled a whole lot. Do the get more relaxed the older they are?
  18. J

    Acting Different

    I do watch it very closely. It has a bubbling system in it that moves the water in it and she will walk right down into it like a stream and drink from it. Also, it has rocks in it so that it is not just water.
  19. J


    How often should I be handling her?
  20. J


    Awesome thanks
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