Search results

  1. nwbrewbot

    Bikram's New Digs

    My male veiled, Bikram, is 10 months now. I have moved him into a larger enclosure. I upgraded to a double nozzle on my mistking and put some drainage holes in the bottom of the cage with a tray underneath. I'm also on the look out for some large drift wood, he really liked that in his old...
  2. nwbrewbot

    ISO Melleri

    Has anyone purchased anything from Ecoregional on kingsnake? They seem to have everything. I'm guessing that they import.
  3. nwbrewbot

    ISO Melleri

    Anyone have any upcoming clutches? I would love to get one of these beasts.
  4. nwbrewbot

    How hot is too hot for a bug delivery?

    I need more crickets, but it's supposed to hit the triple digits this week. You think that they would survive the trip if I get them delivered to work so they don't have to sit out in the heat until I get home? I'm getting 1000 2 weeks crickets.
  5. nwbrewbot

    What worm am I ?

    Congrats on your first home surgery! I think that syn is thinking of antibiotic ointments (triples are bad but doubles are okay - for humans, chams may be another story). It sounds like you guys did a good thing. Cheers!
  6. nwbrewbot

    Mistking for sale!!!!

    Did this sell? If not, please PM me.
  7. nwbrewbot

    MistKing question

    I use reptisafe by zoomed, seeing as it is very inconvienient to filter my entire 4-5 Gal resevior. I also use a 25w fish tank heater to keep the misting water warm (82F). I found that the mistking was very easy to assemble. All of my wiring was already setup I just had to connect a couple...
  8. nwbrewbot

    Bikram Update (pics)

    I've had him about a month now. Karin, correct me if I am wrong but I think that makes him about 3.5 months old. I'm anticipating his next shed anyday. You can see I added the mist king
  9. nwbrewbot

    How long should I keep my crickets?

    I accidentally received 1000 2-week crickets at the beginning of the month. I only today noticed a could small die off groups. How long should these guys keep if properly fed and watered?
  10. nwbrewbot

    How often should they shed?

    Hello, I'm wondering how often veileds should shed the first 6 months? Mine has about doubled in size and hasn't shed in a few weeks. He is starting to look a bit stressed most of the time. But eats really well, 30+ crickets a day. I also just recently got a mist king, I wonder if it's...
  11. nwbrewbot

    Anyone going to Portland Reptile Show next month?

    Hello, just checking to see if any one was going to the Portland Metro Reptile Expo next month? I am trying to find out if anyone may be going that might happen to be selling Bearded Pygmys. I'm interested. Cheers!
  12. nwbrewbot

    Gutload for sale

    I want Cricket Crack! How do I get some shipped? I sent a PM. Cheers!
  13. nwbrewbot

    Chameleon Shopping

    I have a very nice tall 50 gallon tank. Which types of chameleons do well in glass enclosures? I just want to narrow down my options. Thanks!
  14. nwbrewbot

    What are your chameleons names?

    Bikram (male veiled)
  15. nwbrewbot

    Mist King question

    Does anyone use a fish tank heater to heat their supply tank for their misting system? I am planning on using a 5 gal food grade bucket. Any suggestions on heating or if it is necessary? Thanks!
  16. nwbrewbot

    Mist King question

    You got that right. Bigger cage is getting urethaned in the garage. Bikram probably won't need it for a couple more months though.
  17. nwbrewbot

    Mist King question

    Do you think that this setup would be too much for a 16" x 16" x 20" cage? I was hoping to only have to make this purchase once.
  18. nwbrewbot

    Feeders for cheap?

    I live on the left coast and I am getting a delivery from Cricketman today. I'll let you know how it looks. I think that they were the cheapest after shipping to me.
  19. nwbrewbot

    Silkworm question

    How soon can you feed silkies to a veiled? Has anyone used these as a staple diet?
  20. nwbrewbot

    blatica dubia

    It looks like a scene out of Aliens! lol
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