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  1. jampen

    Mel not doing Well

    I took Mel to the vet today because he he had "crusty eyes" that affected vision and his ability to shoot crickets. Also he has what looks like an infection on his crest and he seemed dehydrated. Now he is back in his cage and he looks like he is really struggling. I am misting every 30 minutes...
  2. jampen

    what else lives in your roach colony?

    I started with "25 dubias" and now I have at least three different type in the closed bin.
  3. jampen

    opinions please

    What does it matter? Is your question simply curiosity or is there a plan of action based on the opinion?
  4. jampen

    Dry winter skin

    Thanks for the replies. I'll try the plastic sheathing approach.
  5. jampen

    Dry winter skin

    Is there any kind of "skin moisturizer" for chams? We have the house heaters running full time now and the humidity pegs around 30%.
  6. jampen

    Can't remember what its called......Help
  7. jampen


    Roaches rule; although they are expensive to get started. They are a larger food unit. Maybe one or two per feeding Crickets are cheap, dirty, smelly. Mel loves them, I hate them. Takes maybe 6 - 10 per feeding.
  8. jampen

    Help me for names!!!

    Ambar amber amberlin amberly ambra ambrea ambrogio ambrose ambrosi ambrosia ambrosine
  9. jampen

    Cross panthers

    OK. Why cull females? Is the desired coloration not continued through the mother?
  10. jampen

    Cross panthers

    Well, I'm not sure. Is there a registry of chameleon lineage anywhere? How does any newby know what they are buying?
  11. jampen

    Cross panthers

    OK I'll bite. What are the issues with cross breeding for, say, color?
  12. jampen

    Who know their plants? Corn plant. Super hardy. You can't hardly kill them.
  13. jampen

    Criks and Dubias together?

    Thx. Right now Mel only eats criks. If I can get him started on Dubias then I will ween him off criks completely. During the change I'll need to keep both available and it will be easier just to keep them together.
  14. jampen

    Criks and Dubias together?

    Is the care and maintenance the same for both insects? Do they eat the same things?
  15. jampen

    Criks and Dubias together?

    Happy Halloween all? Hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy holiday. One quick question. Can Criks and Dubias be kept together in the same bin?
  16. jampen

    Feeding Pinkies to my Cham? No big deal
  17. jampen

    Feeder crickets smell?

    Well, I didn't make any effort to take care of the criks. I just put them in a plastic bin with some cut up vegges and every couple days went in to gather victims.
  18. jampen

    One fine lizard

    I'm guessing 1 year old. Maybe a little more. I haven't weighed him but he is approx 8" nose to butt, 15"+ tip2tip. If I find the guy this weekend, I'm going to ask a lot more questions.
  19. jampen

    Update on lythium!

    Did you spray paint that lizard? He is beautiful!
  20. jampen

    How "Smart" are chams?

    Death by tongue lashing. Chuckle :]
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