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  1. jampen

    Chameleon Bites

    Do chameleon bites hurt? Do they bite and release or hang-on for awhile. Mine is very docile and so far hasn't even hissed, but I see various post about bites and the authors sound like they are afraid to be bitten. Obviously the larger the lizard the greater the bite force, but can a...
  2. jampen

    How to feed

    Any particular brand. I looked at LLL and there are several different makers. I'm considering this one.
  3. jampen

    Mel got three crickets

    Should I mist him following dinner, to help wash down the bits?
  4. jampen

    Mel got three crickets

    What I find funny is, he sticks his tongue out about an inch or so, then pauses for a bit doing maybe three or four "mini-warmup flicks" with his tongue before he decides to actually shoot. It's almost looks like he is waiting, letting 'em get lined up, to maximize the return on his effort.
  5. jampen

    Mel got three crickets

    What is the record for most bugs in one shot?
  6. jampen

    How to feed

    Hurray!! Mel is Eating I admit that I am a little slow to figure things out but we finally got Mel to eat. He simply wanted live crickets. No meal worms, no superworms, no shrubbery: only Live Crickets. I suppose that is what he was accustomed to eating before we brought him home. He has...
  7. jampen

    How to feed

    I moved his cage up onto a desk/countertop, closer to the windows and he immediately moved up the side of the cage as high as he could. The top of the cage is around 7' from the floor. He seems to be looking around more and more alert. He definitely likes being up high. The fluorescent...
  8. jampen

    How to feed

    Update This evening, the skin on his head around his eyes and on the circular "eyelid" part that moves when he looks around, is noticeably peeling up and off. Hopefully this is why his eyes have been closed alot the last two days. I think we will call this Chameleon "Mel". Its a unisex...
  9. jampen

    How to feed

    That light is actual a 65w standard pink bulb (not a "heat lamp" per se). There is also a flourescent fixture that sets on top. I keep a thin blanket on top of the cage when the top is closed "not taking pictures". His normal cage temp with lights on, during the day, ranges from 75 - 81F. At...
  10. jampen

    How to feed

    Mist water? Thanks for the reply. I will follow your recommendations. I am increasing the misting cycle to 20 min. every 2 hours. Is there any need for concern when using city water to mist, re. chlorine, fluoride etc.? He seems to be molting on his head. See pics Do they get...
  11. jampen

    How to feed

    Thx and more Many thanks for the help!! I have been thoroughly spritzing him/her/it for two days now, about 5 minutes per session and at least 4 times per day. He/she/It - has begun opening its mouth and lapping water as it runs off it head. This is good, I think. Still not sure if it...
  12. jampen

    How to feed

    Greetings All! New to cham ownership. Just bought an approx 1yr old, Mellers and I need info about how to feed. We put finely chopped apples in small dish and orange slice into cage. Not interested. Bought live superworms and crickets. Tried to hand feed with no success. Put some of...
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