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  1. moz


    Yeah i know waxworms are just for treats. Mealies and crickets for staple at the minute - I'm in the UK though yeah, the only other worms i can get are superworms not seen much else.
  2. moz


    Hello Just wondering, Veiled cham being fed on meal/wax worms with crickets every other day- she won't eat hoppers - Is there anything i can replace crickets with as a staple food or would meal/wax be okay on there own because i hate crickets!!:confused: thanks
  3. moz

    Veiled can't shoot tongue

    Not sure if vet is possible with my current money situation. He's trying to shoot his tongue, but it won't go further than half an inch - it used to extend at least the size of his body - I can't exactly pry open his mouth to look but from what i have seen it doesn't look too bad. I've heard of...
  4. moz

    Veiled can't shoot tongue

    Noticed that my veiled wasn't eating much lately and he used to handfeed but seems to have lost interest, he's not getting any larger and possibly looked like he was loosing weight. I got him out yesterday and tried to handfeed and noticed he was trying to shoot his tongue (used to be able to )...
  5. moz


    The bulb was actually 40W when i took it out wtf? wrong sticker on there :P Adding vents tomorrow and seems to be going nicely i spray the leaves like 3-4 times a day anyway and saw him drinking today. Heard of steathdrinking maybe he's got stealh eating :/ hmm - it's starting to get warmer...
  6. moz


    He's never poo'd in the dish so far. And i'm not sure of the uv bulb came installed in the viv. He's looking better but still won't handfeed just abit worried if he's not eating.:(
  7. moz


    He's looking better this morning. He does drink from the leaves but i've read veiled's can learn to drink out of standing water - I replace the water every day so no bacterias going to harm him from there. Going to add ventilation to the sides of the cage and replace the 100w with a 60w.
  8. moz


    Yeah it's meant for reptiles it's just a UK pet store's own brand - Can't remember the exact name my girlfriend has the tub. Just had him out and he's opened his eyes properly again - I've turned the UVB off for now. Still seems to be flailing round like a madman though..:confused:
  9. moz


    Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon -veiled 6 weeks old * Handling - every other day * Feeding - crickets/mealworms dusted with calcium * Supplements - pets at home brand * Watering - spray bottle and a dish of water - never seen him drink * Fecal Description - dark solid poop with white...
  10. moz


    Hello all, I have around a 8 week male veiled - seemed to be doing fine until this last week. He started to refuse eating crickets and only mealworms - But i havn't seen him eat any of them for the past 2 days - He used to hand feed but has no interest. He had a calcium build up on his...
  11. moz


    awesome :) how am I supposed to watch him pee though...:confused:
  12. moz


    Urate i'm guessing is the poop It's white not yellow so that's fine must be shedding then thanks guys i do intend to create a dripper - Need to make a few modifications to the cage but I think this is going to have to be replaced when he gets larger anyway. edit Lil guy shedded whilst i...
  13. moz


    Hello, This morning I checked on my little veiled and noticed his skin was alittle dry but also looked wrinkly. I don't know if he's nearly shedding or if he's dehydrated? I spray the leafs 3 times a day but still havn't got a dripper in there yet? Has anybody seen this before? Thanks
  14. moz


    right thanks for the advice. im going to be cutting some wood out of the cage and replace with mesh. May put a dripper in at a later date. ive also seen a few people mention the water bottles that rodents use? anybody had any xp using them?
  15. moz


    I'm going to drill some holes in there tonight as the ventilation isn't too good. Could make a dripper but abit concerned as to it rotting the bottom of the case. Any body know of a UK site that sells the Aquarium valves/hoses? Thanks
  16. moz


    Hello all! New to the forum, just purchased a 6 week old male veiled chameleon and he seems to be doing nicely. As chams only drink from droplets on leaves etc not standing water I've currently being using a spray bottle to do so. However I have been reading about the drippers/misters...
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