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  1. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Poor little fella was shedding today. He looks so sad :(
  2. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks Jann!
  3. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last update, but I got little jack bauer out for some sun today and decided to snap a few pics while I was out there. enjoy!
  4. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the kind words everyone! Silk Jim, that little white post in the background is a for sale sign, so come and get it ;). I'll try and remember to take a picture from the backyard next time,then you'll see some trees..
  5. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    I took him outside again today to get some sun. I took some pics but none of them turned out too great. Here's one from today.
  6. lordnyax

    Like Father Like...Uh, Oh

    Well, i have posted pics elsewhere, but this looks like the parang family thread. so here is a pic of another of the brothers..
  7. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Yellows Yea, right when I was putting him back in after being outside for a bit, I noticed quite a bit of yellow as well. Here's a pic. (BTW I know it looks kinda strange, but that is my elbow)
  8. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Time for another update! I'm gonna try and post pics of his development every week or 2. Taking a stroll in the sun. Reds sneaking in from below.
  9. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Yea, I really liked the blue on the cheeks as well. It's so fun to see what new colors are coming in each day.
  10. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Well, it looks like if I had waited 1 more day I would've had my answer myself. He shed today and the spots around his eye went along with it. Thanks for the responses everyone! Here is the little guy (haven't decided a name yet, open to suggestions ;)) tucking himself into bed under a leaf...
  11. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    Not a problem, I'm very happy to do it. He is actually shedding right now so we'll see how he looks when he's done. Thanks again Kent!
  12. lordnyax

    Hello Everyone!

    I got a 3 month old panther chameleon a couple weeks ago from Kent67 here on the forums. He requested that if we bought one of his we would update as we go. So, I wanted to start this thread so I could do just that. He is my first cham and is doing great as far as I can tell. I did have one...
  13. lordnyax

    Baby tav!

    Great pictures! Cute little fella!
  14. lordnyax

    Pretty Nosy Female

    Wow! I love the colors! She is beautiful.
  15. lordnyax

    New baby! Names?

    I like renegade. Didn't know there was a car called renegade, but i like the name.
  16. lordnyax

    The start of something new

    Your cage setup looks amazing. exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to do down the road. have you put any chameleons in there yet? Is it working out as both a good looking cage and a good cage for the chams?
  17. lordnyax

    How Many This Time?

    Wow! That is going to be a lot of little chameleons! I'll say 82.
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