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  1. Rosemond

    Small in size

    I have the same issue....
  2. Rosemond

    What's wrong with him ?

    75 to 80 why
  3. Rosemond

    What's wrong with him ?

    He has a pothos and he does eat his plants often. And What kind of roaches can I feed him I think he is to small?
  4. Rosemond

    What's wrong with him ?

    Well I just moved up to large but even before that he wasn't eating I've been gutloading right recently and he won't eat meal worms ...
  5. Rosemond

    What's wrong with him ?

    He won't eat but he dosent look stressed at all .....
  6. Rosemond

    Dobby on the run

  7. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    Okay thanks to everyone that helped !
  8. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    Why?. I hate that my message has to be 10 characters lol
  9. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    About three to four mounts
  10. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    About 3 to four months I would say
  11. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    Yeah he is dark and shows black spots I knew there was a problem when I saw black spots he never shows those... I think I'm going to clear out my closet and put the gecko there that way he can't even see it.. And just take the door of my closet off lol
  12. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    I mean mine he was chill but I think he is scared. he just crawls to the part of the cage that he can't see it and then he goes back to light green
  13. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    What bulb shoul I get for night
  14. Rosemond

    Should I move me chameleon

    I just got a Lep gecko yesterday and put the cages near each other. should I put them on different sides of room or is it okay? I'll post pics in a min
  15. Rosemond

    chameleon fell :(

    Honestly as long as he is not limping or acting wired I don't think it's a big deal .. Just check his legs for breaks but as long as it wasn't like a crazy fall he/she should be fine
  16. Rosemond

    His colors have changed soooo much!!!

    It's wired all the others in his batch have circles not stripes lol I got the odd ball and I'm glad (:
  17. Rosemond

    His colors have changed soooo much!!!

    Thank you and he is about 3 to 4 mounts I think and his name is dobby
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