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  1. Ksauber

    Humidity... Am i crazy??

    Thank you!!
  2. Ksauber

    Humidity... Am i crazy??

    Ok I thought it was supposed to be a constant humidity. That makes more sense. I didn't want to turn the little guy into jerky but I also didn't want to waterlog him. I will just spray and drip and wait for it to dry, then spray again!
  3. Ksauber

    Humidity... Am i crazy??

    I spray the cage. The humidity goes to 70%. Then the humidity starts to drop to 20% and I think oh it's time to spray again. Except the plants are still dripping. So i can't keep the humidity at the right level and also allow the cage to dry out. I don't know how to win.
  4. Ksauber


    Weirde I thought vivs were linked to resonators infections..? Maybe not though lol. As for the plants being organized properly, I only have one overgrown pothos in my cage and it honestly looks a little too full to me haha. I can definitely try moving some stuff around though.
  5. Ksauber


    I was under the impression terrariums are bad for veiled chams?
  6. Ksauber


    Thanks for all of the idea guys. If I can prove to the husband these work he would be a much happier camper haha. Now I just need to to figure out some better drainage
  7. Ksauber


    That sounds like a good option as well. I live in a rental home so yeah I definitely can't devalue the home. Having tall plants around to stop the spray may help with humidity as well. Will definitely be something to look in to.
  8. Ksauber

    Veiled Chameleon Fell

    Oh my gosh that's terrible :(
  9. Ksauber


    the rug idea is definitely a good one... maybe a bath may that is designed to be absorbent... That plus a shower curtain may just be my lifesaver! I think he just needs to see it in action. as for something he does worse.... hm i will have to think about something i can bring up haha
  10. Ksauber


    Hmm, that definitely could help. possibly help with humidity too. I still don't know if we will let me spray but it is worth a shot. We bought a fogger that helps with humidity also, and it condenses and drips, and Creeper will drink from that. I just don't think the fogger alone will get the...
  11. Ksauber


    Yeah exactly... Lol. I seriously don't know how to keeps the walls dry though. Trash bags is an option that could work possibly
  12. Ksauber


    How on earth do you spray without soaking the walls and surrounding area?! My husband has decided I am not allowed to spray the Cham because he is worried about the water getting everywhere.
  13. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    The are getting basic insect food until the day before they are being fed to him. Then I am gut loading with butternut squash and collard greens mixture
  14. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    That's a good idea. This pic is terrible but hopefully you can see the sizes
  15. Ksauber

    Need to find food ASAP!

    I tought he was handling the crickets fine, but he just tried to eat one and then shook his head around and spit out the body of one with no head :( it was a tiny cricket and now I have no idea what to do :(
  16. Ksauber

    Baby Veiled Basking all the time

    I do have the probe thermometer in the right spot, and I have multiple watt bulbs, which I just switched to a 40, which got the temp up to the 86 degrees he is at now. Also I do have it on a reflector done. As for uv, I have a coil style on this cage since it is his small baby cage. I have a...
  17. Ksauber

    Baby Veiled Basking all the time

    Thank you for the info! I know that they have instincts to thermoregulate but I was just a little worried about cooking him! I am including a pic of the enclosure. The basking lamp is raised above the cage in the top right corner of the pic, and the basking spot is directly under it. I believe...
  18. Ksauber

    Baby Veiled Basking all the time

    I had to swap the bulb for a higher wattage, but the basking spot is up to 86 now so hopefully that will get him a bit more active. He is on the 2nd day of a shed however so he may be a bit inactive because if that as well.
  19. Ksauber

    Baby Veiled Basking all the time

    I was reading the wrong care sheet. The one I was reading is located at I will definitely refer to the one you posted though. Thank you!
  20. Ksauber

    Baby Veiled Basking all the time

    Oh really? I was worried it was too hot! I thought the care sheet for veiled son here said 76-78 for 3-5 month old veiled but I could be wrong! I will lower the light a little and see if that helps thanks!
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