Need to find food ASAP!

thinner. And roughly no longer than half the length of his body (soft bodied ones like silkworms could be longer)

also, he may not want to eat when he is shedding.

Well this answers a lot for me haha. The crix I got should be just fine then. I was thinking the bugs needed to be able to fit between his eyes if he were to wear it as a head band lol. I was wondering how people were feeding these huge bugs to adults when there still it's a ton of room between their eyes. the dubia's i got are still too wide I think, but the crickets I got should be no big deal.
I know this is a little far but Sierra Vista, AZ east of Tuscan has a exotic pet store there. I haven't been there in 2 years so don't know prices or anything. But its a thought
I know this is a little far but Sierra Vista, AZ east of Tuscan has a exotic pet store there. I haven't been there in 2 years so don't know prices or anything. But its a thought

That's definitely an idea thanks! I am going to see how he does with these crix and if need be I will head down there! Thanks!

I am hoping he grows quickly and gets into the medium size bug stage soon lol
Small Food

I would recommend ordering the correct size crickets online. I think your little guy could eat 1/4 crickets fine. Try out .You could order 250 (smallest size). You can keep them in another container and gut load them which is necessary since crickets do not have a lot of nutrients. You will go through them faster than you realize. It is also so much cheaper than going to the store to get them. The store charges 15 cents a piece. The above site charges $8.90 for 250 1/4 inch size. I also would usually find the D. Hydei flightless fruit flies at PetSmart. They would have the cultures in a tube with some already hatched. My chameleons would go through these pretty fast. You can also get small meal worms there as well.

I would recommend ordering the correct size crickets online. I think your little guy could eat 1/4 crickets fine. Try out .You could order 250 (smallest size). You can keep them in another container and gut load them which is necessary since crickets do not have a lot of nutrients. You will go through them faster than you realize. It is also so much cheaper than going to the store to get them. The store charges 15 cents a piece. The above site charges $8.90 for 250 1/4 inch size. I also would usually find the D. Hydei flightless fruit flies at PetSmart. They would have the cultures in a tube with some already hatched. My chameleons would go through these pretty fast. You can also get small meal worms there as well.


I will definitely check them out for that price if I can get my little guy to eat the crux I bought. Fruit flies is what I was hoping to find but they aren't carried at any stores near me always treated me well. Great customer service. I live about 10 miles away so I always picked up my shipment. But I figured I would chime in either way. Maybe some Hisser cockroach new hachlings would do him fine.
I tought he was handling the crickets fine, but he just tried to eat one and then shook his head around and spit out the body of one with no head :( it was a tiny cricket and now I have no idea what to do :(
I tought he was handling the crickets fine, but he just tried to eat one and then shook his head around and spit out the body of one with no head :( it was a tiny cricket and now I have no idea what to do :(

Maybe it was just a one time thing. If you want to be on the safe side post pictures of him with his crickets so we can compare the size.
That's a good idea. This pic is terrible but hopefully you can see the sizes
If that's the cricket size you have in middle right hand of picture, than should be no problem. You can even go a little bigger. What are you feeding the dubias and crickets?
If that's the cricket size you have in middle right hand of picture, than should be no problem. You can even go a little bigger. What are you feeding the dubias and crickets?

The are getting basic insect food until the day before they are being fed to him. Then I am gut loading with butternut squash and collard greens mixture
Size Looks Fine

That cricket size looks fine based on the size of his head. Do you know what he preferred to eat before you got him? Maybe he is just a little picky about what he eats.

the crickets do not look too big. they look perfect.

Is he drinking well?
In what way are you offering the food? maybe its situational?
are you able to see into his mouth ever - does there appear to be any injury?
the crickets do not look too big. they look perfect.

Is he drinking well?
In what way are you offering the food? maybe its situational?
are you able to see into his mouth ever - does there appear to be any injury?

He is drinking pretty frequently. The crickets have just been let loose in the cage. I plan to make a cricket trap for his to eat out of but I haven't had a chance to pick up the puppies for it yet. As for his mouth I haven't seen into it but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it
the crickets do not look too big. they look perfect.

Is he drinking well?
In what way are you offering the food? maybe its situational?
are you able to see into his mouth ever - does there appear to be any injury?

He is drinking pretty frequently. The crickets have just been let loose in the cage. I plan to make a cricket trap for his to eat out of but I haven't had a chance to pick up the puppies for it yet. As for his mouth I haven't seen into it but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it
I got my cham pin head crickets from tropical kingdom on Campbell/prince.
They are real little. just dont bother with buying gutload from them once I started using the stuff the guy told me to buy my cham started spitting them out after a couple chews. I also buy the big jar of fruit flies from petco on craycroft/broadway by toys r us
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