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  1. R

    how many worms?

    thanks again! I'm going to look into ordering silk worms and butterworms, few more questions...what would be a good meal schedule for my little 5-6 month old carpet? If I feed him silk worms one day, crix the next, butterworms the next, and then so forth how many silk worms/butter worms should...
  2. R

    how many worms?

    thanks guys! I'm on the westcoast but the link above ^ shows stores FAR from where I live. The only places around here are petco's and petsmarts where apparently no one knows what they're talking about :confused:
  3. R

    Superworm myth or truth?

    I have a carpet chameleon he's 5-6 months old so I'm ok to give him super worms right?
  4. R

    Superworm myth or truth?

    No, I live in California!
  5. R

    how many worms?

    So my little carpet Lloyd is about 5-6 months and I've never fed him any type of worm. So far I know Wax worms are high in fat and should be treated as a snacks and superworms are great to give them? How often should I give him super worms and is he OK to eat them now...being 5-6 months he's...
  6. R

    Superworm myth or truth?

    lol a gal at petsmart told me the SAME exact thing...must be a petsmart thing :p
  7. R

    Should I worry about my cham never going under her uvb light?

    are they supposed to go directly under the uvb light to get the benefits :confused:
  8. R

    Some pics of my little boy

    he's super cute!!!
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