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  1. M

    Chameleons in Bougainvilleas

    what kind of plant is that ? are the flowers safe for chams to eat? i got a hibicus tree recently and my veild loves the flowers on it.
  2. M

    Chameleon toys?

    i know about vines i am going to add a couple more very soon but im working on a out door cage tommrow because weather is getting better in wisconsin. I am also on the lookout for moths and any other critter i think my cham will enjoy.
  3. M

    Chameleon toys?

    I was just thinking today is there any toys a chameleon can use? do they even make any? Post if you have any ideas for toys
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    My Female Veild

    i acutally started to feed her meal worms every 2 weeks or so just for a snack other then that she love crickets.
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    Anyone else from wisconsin???

    i acutally got my veild from hoffers, i went back 3 months later just to go and look if they got any new chams and i saw the same ones still... i am pleased with my cham though.
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    Anyone else from wisconsin???

    im surprised there are that many people from wisconsin that own chameleons. when ever i go to the pet store it seems to be that the same chameleons are there every time. im acutally about to head over there in 15 minutes. Also i was wondering whenyou go to the petstore waht types of chams do you...
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    Anyone else from wisconsin???

    im just curious if there is any other chameleon owners in wisconsin. most people on these forums seem to be either from california, florida or the uk.
  8. M

    Indoor Fruit tree

    i have a veild and i was reading up about indoor fruit trees and they are apparently very easy to grow. but i thought it would be a cool idea to have a cham free range on a fruit tree.
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    Indoor Fruit tree

    I have a quick question, If i were to buy an indoor fruit tree could i free range my chameleon on it? i was curious because i always wanted an indoor citrus tree. Would the leaves be posionious if injested?
  10. M

    My Female Veild

    My female veild chams name is walda. (ill post pictures) i just had a quick question i looked all over the fourm for it but how often should i feed my cham meal worms? i usually feed her 5-8 crickets a day and about 2 or 3 meal worms also. is that bad? I know that meal worms are high in fat but...
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