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  1. Tomtom

    My new cage

    awsome setup!!! how long did it take you to build it? yeah try and use some hibiscus cham LOVES eating the flowers XD. let me know when you get pics of your watering system. i could use some tips on keeping in humidity
  2. Tomtom

    cham not really being active?

    she layed freaking 39 eggs though!! haha
  3. Tomtom

    cham not really being active?

    seems like after my cham layed her eggs she just lays around all the time. she pretty much just literally lays on a branch and basks. i thought it was just a thing that happened after she layed but its been going on for about 2-3 weeks now. are they naturally lazy? or is something wrong? she...
  4. Tomtom


    im about to be moving from here (texas) to arizona comming up in jan. any thoughts on how thats going to be probable with my cham and a 16+ hr drive? how should i get this to go down?
  5. Tomtom

    New Male Veiled not eating :(

    yeah that was what i was going to say. maybe hes just getting used to his environment right now. its not like hes going to die or anything. they eat when they are hungry. and if the place you got it from said that they wait for a week and make sure that they are eating properly, my guess would...
  6. Tomtom

    Cleaning Dripper Tubing

    also dont forget that its also good to use water that doesnt have chlorine in it. such as not using tap water. from what i read it will clog up the mister that i use and i think that might have something to do with your situation too. but i havent had issues yet and ive been using bottled water :D
  7. Tomtom

    is this a safe plant?

    if its not poisonous i would imagine it would be ok. some plants offer food to your cham (such as hibiscus flowers). so it might not nibble on it.
  8. Tomtom

    how best to force feed?

    yeah courtney is right. baby food is actually good for the cham too. or so i hear. :D
  9. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    holy crap....39 eggs hahahha
  10. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    will do :DDD
  11. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    aww thanks man!! thats a really good compliment. she layed her eggs last night!!! theyre so cute hahaha. and right when i put her back in her cage i threw some crickets in there and she ate all of them :DDD haha you have no idea how excited i am that i got her through this. now i know what she...
  12. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    haha "bad girl!! back in your bucket!!" jk. no i ended up taking her out and puttin her in the bucket anyways. ill let her do her thing overnight. kinda worried about her though i want to be able to check on her but i know i cant. shes def about to lay though.
  13. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    well i do think it is time for her to lay. this morning i woke up to the sound of her clawing at the hibiscus container and shes in there right now digging around. so i took a pillow case and put it in front of the cage so no one can see her. should i just see if she will try and lay in the...
  14. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    well im not gone that long everyday lol. the light tric he mentioned seems like a good idea. then i can tell if she is in the hole or not. but your advice is valuable as well. i just hope she is indeed ready to lay eggs. how long would you recomend me keep her in there before taking her out if...
  15. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    yeah i know about unfertile eggs lol. someone asked me if i had a male too to see if she would puff up around him. and lets hope that she will lay tomorow. i think i know what your describing ryan. are you meaning loosely pack the sand at a ramp angle inside of the bucket and digging a tunnel to...
  16. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    haha it was a compliment hun :D nice to meet you kara. so hrm. you think that would work then?
  17. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    haha i know this is akward but your smartness and attractiveness with cams is hot!! haha. thanks for your help miss pssh XDDD yeah ill start getting on that tomorow, ill just have to figure out how to get a heatin lamp in there with her and keep her inside. i guess i can clamp the light about a...
  18. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    well should i just keep her in there with just the dirt and nothing else for a couple days? im worried she would get depressed :[ or stressed...
  19. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    do not have a male. wish i did so i dont have to worry about this egg laying thing. seriously doubt a 10 gallon tank will fit inside with 50 lbs of play sand in it with my dimensions lol. so i have to figure out an alternative. i have a 20 gal glass tank (horizontal) that i could use. so i might...
  20. Tomtom

    Cham not eating!!

    heres the most recent and best pic i could find....when she was eating :[
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