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  1. R

    Not sure if she is stressed, mad or sick?

    Alright thank you, I'll get something tomorrow
  2. R

    Not sure if she is stressed, mad or sick?

    She is about 2 or 3 months old i believe, and i must've said the demensions wrong, its about 3 and a half feet tall and 1 and half deep and 1 and a half wide, and ok I'll feed her more, gonna feed her now actually.
  3. R

    Not sure if she is stressed, mad or sick?

    This is some of what she is doing, Plus she will get dark spots and stripes. And is seeming to Stay on the ceiling a lot of the time? Any ideas what that could be?
  4. R

    Not sure if she is stressed, mad or sick?

    Your Chameleon - I have a female veiled chameleon, She has been in my care for about 2 and a half weeks. Handling -Not often but, I did handle her a lot within a 6 day span. Could be source of issue. Feeding - I'm feeding her two crickets every other day. Supplements - I am using Herptivite for...
  5. R

    Not sure if she is stressed, mad or sick?

    Any help? I'm new and probably over reacting but just need help?
  6. R

    Not sure if she is stressed, mad or sick?

    My veiled is acting a little strange. I though she may be sick but I brought her to a credible vet and they say she is fine. I believe it may be stress because of how much she has been handled. First I brought her home, then she needed a new cage after a few days so i moved her, then a couple...
  7. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok thank you, I'm giving him D3, but I'll start withe the kale and greens. Hopefully it will help
  8. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    So she was moving around with both eyes open yesterday, but today seems to move but eyes are closed a lot, any idea's or thoughts?
  9. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok that was my plan, I was going to monitor her for a week and see, then take her to the reptile/chameleons specialist i found, I'm hoping its not major. When she is out she seems fine, both eyes open, climbing around but every once in a while she'll do the both eyes closed and sit around.
  10. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    So i just got her back and they said she is fine, and when she was back she was climbing around and eyes open, i brougt her back find her in the travel thing with both eyes closed, i get her in the enclosure and she opened one eye and climbed to a branch and rested with her tail curled with both...
  11. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok i think I'm going to because i just got a call saying he has a clean bill of health and I don't think that's right, I'm going to ask about who looked at her. Thank you
  12. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    I just brought her to petco where i bought her and they are bringing her to a vet and paying for the visit. They said they will let me know when she is all set, thanks fir the advice everyone. I am now relaxed knowing she's most likely going to be ok.
  13. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok cool, that was my plan, I've had my cham for 5 days and it just started like the 2nd ir 3rd day, I'm gonna have her checked out this weekend, i saw her and and drink today, the only issule that worries me is when i touched her she didn't do much, just kind of twitched. Idk just hope she'll be ok.
  14. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    I just got home from work and my sister said she was moving around all day but is now on a vine with her tail curled and both eyes closed, should i be worried? I have work again tomorrow and I don't know if i shoukd wait another day, am i over reacting?
  15. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok i will start using a sheet, because I was up late last night witg lights on, and of course at around 11 she got up and started climbing and drinking and eating, thank you, I'm doing the 12 hours of light 12 hours of day schedule. Trying to at least
  16. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok Awesome, thanks a lot. I just got up at around 1030 and she seems to still be sleeping, but she is moved from where she was last night, is that ok?
  17. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Also do I seem to be doing ok other than the temp change? I'm new to chams and just want to make sure.
  18. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok thank you so much, I've always wanted a chameleon and am trying to do everything right, she semmed fine the first day but the eye thing did start on the second day, I'll definitely keep you posted! Thanks again.
  19. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Well i bought her from a petco near me and I talked to them about the eye thing and they said if it doesnt go away to bring it there and they'll take her to a vet. Should I do that this weekend?
  20. R

    Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

    Ok thank you, i did spray her a lot today to try to help with the eye, and showered with her, thats around the time she started closing both though, but the popping and head raising was before, do you think the temp lowering and vitamin a should help by themselves? Or should i get to a vet asap?
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