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  1. R

    my chamelian

    yes his legs havent changed shape since i got him in the first place uvb bulb ordered live plants bought and now in his viv and hes been out in the sun today as its been quite warm and sunny
  2. R

    my chamelian

    well ive called the vet this morning and have an apointment for friday , the vet asked where we got him when we told them they said that they have had a couple of cases over the last couple of weeks of people getting chams from the same person , we will see what happens friday .
  3. R

    my chamelian

    you mean live plants and the rest i will do . All this must have come as a shock to you. First off you need your baby to see a reptile vet to stop the mbd getting worse. Vets can often work out a payment plan if you need that. Then work on your supplements and feeding. The forum will help...
  4. R

    my chamelian

    yes it does have d3
  5. R

    my chamelian

    sorry i didnt realise that yas wanted me to put it on the same thread
  6. R

    my chamelian

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled male 4.5 months old 2 month ive had him Handling - couple of times a week Feeding - medium locusts between 10 and 15 a day gut loaded with veg Supplements - reptom calcium powder bsp vitamin drops powder is 3 times a week and vitamin drops are in...
  7. R

    my chamelian

    hi there how do you stop it from progressing , im absolutely gutted
  8. R

    my chamelian

    this is him
  9. R

    my chamelian

    im just gonna get some pics would that just affect his front legs or would it be all of them
  10. R

    my chamelian

    whats wrong my veiled cham is about 5 months old , he seems to be really weak on his front legs, his eyes are not sunk or anything am i just worried over nothing or should i be getting him to a vet like when i have him on my hand he sems to be unable to grab or pulll himself up with his front...
  11. R

    all new

    thanks very much ill be reading all the info that you guys have given me and then will be going and getting the equipment and then my cham . who will be called tino
  12. R

    all new

    right im getting a yemen cham what lights do i need also what is the best idea for water should it be in a dish and ive heard that people have mist making machines do i need one . im in the uk and gather that a lot on here are from across the pond so i assume that over here there are different...
  13. R

    hi all

    ok im a newbie , im going to be buying a yemen chameleon and seen this site and thought i would get on here and find out all i need to know about the chameleons needs , ive got 2 boas a corn snake and 2 bearded dragons aswell . im in worcester uk . so where do i find out what temps and lights...
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