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  1. caseysteadman

    I spoke too soon...

    So we had been Drogo escape free.....until today :rolleyes: While doing homework, the roommate looks up to think on a question, and gets this awful look on her face. Panicking about what is above my head, I look up to see this! And then he has the nerve to look so content with himself...
  2. caseysteadman

    Drogo, the escape artist!

    Just to let everyone know: There was the tiniest hole in his screen that he was escaping through! It has been fixed, and we (here in the great landmass between Mobile and NOLA) have been Drogo escape free for almost 3 entire days now! Let's just hope we can get through the thunderstorms Issac...
  3. caseysteadman

    Drogo, the escape artist!

    Well, I built his cage myself, so if I had to guess, there is a hole in the mesh screen somewhere, I just have to find it! And I can't go to his cage before I leave for work, because if I stick my hand in there he's on it immediately and fights like CRAZY when I try to put him back! I love that...
  4. caseysteadman

    Drogo, the escape artist!

    So, I have moved into my new house and Drogo with me. Thankfully, my two roommates are just as in love with the little bugger as I am! A few days ago, one roommate was looking in his enclosure for him but couldn't see him. She yelled upstairs to let me know he was "MIA" and to see if I could...
  5. caseysteadman

    Film footage of Veiled Chameleons in the wild in Yemen

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
  6. caseysteadman

    How do you keep your cricket bin clean?

    Haha I really, really want to try dubias. But I'm waiting for the right moment to run in by the two very girly girls I am moving in with. Not sure how okay they're going to be with roaches in the house...
  7. caseysteadman

    How do you keep your cricket bin clean?

    How often do you clean out the bin?
  8. caseysteadman

    How do you keep your cricket bin clean?

    So I am moving this week, and with my move comes some awesome increases in space, and I am considering going for the 1000 cricket purchase. As Drogo only eats about 15 (small) cricks a day, I'm going to definitely have to clean out the bin where these crickets will be residing. So, my question...
  9. caseysteadman

    Chameleon names

    My veiled is Kahl Drogo from the Song of Ice and Fire books (or better known from the Game of Thrones TV show) :D
  10. caseysteadman

    Drogo's New Enclosure!

    They are exactly that. Dowl rods! Since Drogo is still pretty small I have him these but plan to switch to bamboo shoots once he's a bit bigger.
  11. caseysteadman

    Drogo's New Enclosure!

  12. caseysteadman

    Drogo's New Enclosure!

    yeah, plan on getting another umbrella plant to boost up to the middle area. Just waiting on my friend to get here to ride to the store with me!
  13. caseysteadman

    Drogo's New Enclosure!

    Well darn, let's try that again....
  14. caseysteadman

    Drogo's New Enclosure!

    Thoughts? Comments? Anything to add/change? Just looking for some feedback! It's 2x2x4 btw! Thanks!
  15. caseysteadman

    Do Chameleons fart??

    Ewww, eww, ewww.....hahaha
  16. caseysteadman

    Do Chameleons fart??

    Drogo hasn't pooted in front of me yet, but here is a video of an iguana pooting! Made me laugh!
  17. caseysteadman

    You know your addicted and have it real bad when...

    When you take off work to wait for the feeders to be delivered!
  18. caseysteadman

    How Old is Kahl Drogo?

    I am just grateful there is somewhere like this forum where I can run as soon as I wonder about something! Like I said, I'm new to chameleons and I try hard to heed what everyone says!
  19. caseysteadman

    How Old is Kahl Drogo?

    Thank you everyone for all the advice! I will adhere to it the best of my abilities! As for the late lights on/off, it has just been the times I had fallen into making sure his UVB light was on, no particular reason. But you made a good point....never even looked at it that way, and I'll start...
  20. caseysteadman

    How Old is Kahl Drogo?

    I went to the pet store today, and the only supplements they had contained D3. Where can I get the plain calcium? And I also will put romaine lettuce, carrots and orange pieces in with the crickets. Any other important/needed veggies?
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