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    hello new panther chameleon :)

    Ok yes I was confused, that explains a lot. Well congratulations on the male! What are you naming him?
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    hello new panther chameleon :)

    Great so I am out 50 dollars to myself :( All of the male chameleons that I've seen, even the babies, have had the little tiny tarsal spurs. Perhaps I'm seeing older juvenile chameleons and not ones that are so young. Well I learn something every day. Now I'm going to read about this other...
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    hello new panther chameleon :)

    I can't be sure but I would bet about 50 dollars that you have a female. There isn't any signs to show it's a male from that picture. Very cute little girl though :) or boy(doubt it)?
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    Help with very aggresive 9 month old male Veiled

    Not sure if you're familiar with the forums and whatnot but I just emailed you, let me know if you get it.
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    Fun is the sun with Veilds

    Most people choose gloves because the firm grip that they can have plus they have small claws. My male is super chill but I feel more safe grabbing him with a glove on if it's going to be faster than it should be. From what I've seen and read the most aggressive they get is hissing and they will...
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    Fun is the sun with Veilds

    Lol. I normally just let him climb on me but if I have to move him when he is not all that willing or I don't want to wait ten minutes for him to climb on me then I glove up just in case. He's so docile though. It's my female that hates contact so I just let her do her thing most of the time...
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    free range is growing

    Awesome That is so cool! Do your chameleons free range all the time? I've heard stories of free range chams ending up on the owners bed and even sleeping in the same room, do you have any stories like that? I can't have mine free range 24/7 due to my cat even though my cat doesn't attack...
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    Fun is the sun with Veilds

    The Dude loved getting some sun! He didn't want to get out and got cranky with me then wouldn't leave my hand so I stood still letting him bask in the sun for about a half an hour while Maud hung out on the plants I brought out. He would turn sideways almost completely laying on my hand, I...
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    The Great Grand Babies First Shed

    Wow they look great! I can't believe they are showing yellow like that, I've never seen that. Luie and Camille are amazing as well. Good job on the photos, they turned out nice. I really like the one with the fly on his head.
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    Too breed or not to breed

    My question is actually about colorations and health. I am considering breeding my male ({The Dude}when I get him 100% healthy) with my female (Maud) when she is old enough and ready. I don't know any history or lineage of either animals. The male looks like what I've found being sold online...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    breathing problem I think this will go away but he is shedding like I said and there appears to be a bit of dead skin stuck to a nostril. He has never breathed through his mouth but just now after a nice misting he started to puff up his neck then release a "puff" or "Phh" sound like he was...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Vet Good news is once the abscess is removed I think he'll be in tip top shape. This guy managed to live in a smoke filled house, in a fish tank, under a heat lamp with no UVB, no plants besides a couple pieces of drift wood, and no humidity with minimal feeding for most of his life so far I...
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    Sunday Pothos

    Veiled She looks great! I use my pothos plants if I'm in a hurry to move my little female veiled so I can clean her cage if she's reluctant to be held. I just usher her onto the plant then carry the plant to the waiting tank until I finish the cleaning, it works great.
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    Sun in the NW

    Overcast and cooling I could have guessed but oh well. That second picture cracks me up. My little girl here in the pictures does some pretty sick dance moves too although I haven't caught any on camera yet.
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    Sun in the NW

    nw sunshine I'm in Portland too. I'd love to get my 2 little buddies out in the sun this weekend. I have a condo with a patio so I'll have to get creative but it would be cool to have some sort of wall hanging plant system or greenhouse situation.
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    picture Here he is in his much larger new home that I made. I was in a hurry to make it out of excitement. The next couple that I do will be much more attractive and should match my furniture :) I also picked up some super worms since it has been recommended and he ate a good amount today...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    A little over a week I'll have to post pics soon after he finishes shedding in the next day or so. He is doing much better and I think he's getting bigger. His colors are far more stable now than at first. He started to shed the other night and is still in the process but it seems to be...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    I got the scab off! He let me pick him up again (after holding my hand there for about 10 minutes) and while I was holding him I could see his blackish brown eye crust really well and I was able to remove the last of it. The skin underneath looked good so not sure if it was a scab or what...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    looking better already Thank you sharp229. I have been rubbing a topical antibiotic on his eyes which combined with proper care has seriously improved his eyes just in the past few days. He is beautiful and has some interesting colors at times. I will probably take him to the vet soon to get...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    lettuce Thank you cait. I actually own a cafe and fly through romaine lettuce so I'll bring some home tomorrow for sure to give him. Can you tell from the pictures if he looks dehydrated or too thin from your experience with chameleons? It's the cracking discolored skin that worries me. In the...
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