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  1. A

    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    day 3 ok i need some ones help please I've been spraying my crickets with water in hopes that he can use it to hydrate. The crickets are eating orange stuff and fruits and getting dusted. His cage is about 60 to 85 percent humidity. I am getting another lamp as I have a hard time getting the...
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    Q-Tip eye cleaning?

    not an expert but... I got saline. I use the bottle to spray a stream down my lizards eye before and after the qtip. I use the saline or infection stuff I have to get the qtip wet then I get it warm by holding it near the heat lamp for a minute. Then very very gentile I will twist and move the...
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    eye bubble problem HELP

    surgery Good question. I'd like to hear from some one who has resolved this issue without the vet. From my understanding that is a puss bubble from the infection and can only be removed by lancing, draining then anti biotic. For as common a problem as this seems to be I'm shocked not more...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    update day 1 His eyes are still very swollen but have gone down a bit. They have much more color. This morning i caught him scraping his eyes on the coconut soil stuff and instantly cleaned them and rubbed them very very lightly with the qtip trick again. Now that it's clean and I can see it...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    first update His eyes got cleaned with a qtip using saline and vetericyn wound and infection care stuff. Then I put him into a temporary ten gallon holding tank with a live plant, uv light and several distant heat lamps. The old giant tank had very bad ventilation and reeked up my entire two...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    a couple pics These are taken with my phone in my van so not too good, better quality to come tonight. His eyes look like the skin has been permanently stretched. One eye is giant still. I will be sure to load him up with all the right nutrients and I'll notify a vet and ask about cost on...
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    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    I am writing this on my phone so I will have to post the pictures when I get home later tonight, but I will post at least 2 for each issue. I'll also fill out that form. I'm just worried and want to get started helping soon. I just bought a supposed 1 year old male veiled chameleon from some...
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