eye bubble problem HELP


New Member
my 5 month old veiled has this eye bubble on his right eye. I tried washing it out bit it comes back. he had an eye infection 2 months back and I went to the doctor and they gave me triple B ointment. I applied it as directed but he still has the bubble. any suggestion?


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Good question. I'd like to hear from some one who has resolved this issue without the vet. From my understanding that is a puss bubble from the infection and can only be removed by lancing, draining then anti biotic. For as common a problem as this seems to be I'm shocked not more people are speaking up on this with their own personal dealings with it. I wish I had something useful for you but I don't just that my chameleon has a similar bubble on his head from an infection and I'll know more by next week, I'll be sure to post the exact fix after the vet visit.
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