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  1. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    I am so sorry to say that Kermit passed away. He struggled so hard to fight it and I did everything I could to try to save him but it was just too late. The vets here suck they did nothing to help me. I call the Vet this morning when I saw he was getting worse and the nurse assured me he...
  2. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    I have 6 other chams all with the same set ups and none of them are sick. I sent an email to the vet I noticed tonight for the first time when I was feeding him that weird nasty lookig liquid food that there is a thing in the back of his mouth that looks swollen. Then vet said he saw a small...
  3. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    Ok I called the recommended vet for our area that was on the list of herp vets from a previous post. He could not see him till Thursday so the recomended another local vet that got me in right away. Very nice guy tried to take blood but was unable to since he is so de hydrated. Since there...
  4. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    Ok all I have called a vet here that treats Reptiles and today is usually her day for sugerys but she said that she can see my little guy at 1:30. He is getting worse by the hour. I tried the shower thing he just goes to sleep no drinking or anything. I also tried using a siringe adn giving...
  5. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    I am not 100% sure on how to. From what i have read you put a plant in the shower and face the shower head away from him so it sprays the wall but I dont know how warm or cool it should be and how long to put him in there for. I see him drinking all the time until today. Today is when I...
  6. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    I dont think that it is under watering as I spray the cage 3 times a day real well and he has a dripper and I use the ice cubes. Any ideas on the sleeping and closing his eyes all the time. I took him out side for a bit today before the wind picked up and let him get some sun and he seemed to...
  7. CrazyFLChammy

    Sick Vield Chameleon

    Chameleon Info: Vieled Chameleon, Male, About 9-11 months old, I have had it about 3 months Handling - I try not to stress him out too often so I might hold him about 2 times a week if even. Feeding - He gets about 6-7 Crickets daily and I put reptical calcium powder on them about 2-3...
  8. CrazyFLChammy

    Miss Piggy has had her first Clutch

    Ok keeping my fingers crossed this time I know she was mated. (My last Chameleon came to me Gravid so we did not know if she had been with a male or not). Miss piggy and Kermit mated in the last few days December and first few days of January and Today she laid 41 beautiful eggs. I am so...
  9. CrazyFLChammy

    Pictures of your chameleons

    Some of my Guys and Gals I will post more when I can get a good pic of my other ones. I have 7 intotal but the pictures that I took before my camera battieres died are way to blurry. So when it recharges I will put up the others.
  10. CrazyFLChammy

    Veiled Chameleon Eggs

    See that is where the problem lies. I believe they are fertile but cant be 100% as I just got the mommy in December from a breeder who was not taking very ggod care of her. The day I got her home she was with 3 other younger chams. They had all been living to gether in one cage, hense why i...
  11. CrazyFLChammy

    Veiled Chameleon Eggs

    I have 41 Chameleon eggs that were laid 1/5/10 they were doing great until a few days ago and now almost all the eggs have fuzzy white mold growing on them. MOst of all of the look firm and still in perfect shape but this mold is starting to worry me what can I do to fix it. Please help this...
  12. CrazyFLChammy

    My Vieled just layed eggs and I have a few questions?

    It is really cold hear now like upper 20's at night and low 50 during the day. I have them in tupperware with lids and then in a styrofoam cooler like thing. The tem on them right now is about 72 is that an ok temp? And it takes aprox 6 months for them to hatch correct? Thanks for you help
  13. CrazyFLChammy

    My Vieled just layed eggs and I have a few questions?

    Thank you for the links I will deff read over them. I have a total of 7 Veileds as of right now they are an addicting pet. I have 3 Females adn 4 Males ranging in ages from 3 months to 1 1/2 yrs. They all have there own cages my older ones 5 months and up are in cages that are 4ft high and...
  14. CrazyFLChammy

    breeding questions

    My veiled just laid her first clutch yesterday she is aprox 8 months but I know that it can happen earlier. But trust me I was worried that I would not know when. They will let you know she will go to the bottom and start scratching alot and if you put her back at the top she will continue to...
  15. CrazyFLChammy

    My Vieled just layed eggs and I have a few questions?

    I bought my girl veiled Chameleon 12/15/09 and the guy I bought her from was an idiot. He had her in a 20 gallon glass aquarium and she was already 7-8 months old and she was with 3 babies that was only 3-5 months of age. I bought all of them just to get them away from him and because they are...
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