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  1. H

    Furcifer pardalis Ambilobe - Europe

    I offer 2,0 Furcifer pardalis Ambilobe - price for one male is 160€. They are 4+ months old. I will be at the Hamm Show in Germany only as visitor. If someone will be seriously interested i can bring them to Hamm. Kind Regards Zdenek Father Father Offspring for sell
  2. H

    Mouth problem

    Hello! My F. pardalis Ambanja has something strange around his mouth. It`s on both sides and it appeared 1 month ago. I don`t know, if this is some kind of infection or not. Any advices are welcome. Best Regards
  3. H

    Looking for F.pardalis Sambava

    Hello! I am looking for Furcifer pardalis Sambava around 6 moths old. If someone could offer some, i will be very pleased. I will attend the Hamm Show in Germany on September. Also, photo of breeding male and offspring needed. Thank you.
  4. H

    My males

    Your Mitsio is really gorgeous! I wish to keep such beautiful Mitsio one day. It`s really hard to find such Mitsio in Euroipe. Is he a WC or CB? Also you have almost the same Ambanja as I have. :-) He would be the best choice for bloodline change. Too bad that you are not from Europe.
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    Another one...what locale am I????

    CleanLineChameleons I didn`t saw that you wrote, he is WC. So he is not crossed. But the green bars are very unusually on Diego and i have never seen such green color on Diego. Such green and yellow color has Mitsio. :-) Check this video. I think he is very similar to yours. :-)...
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    Another one...what locale am I????

    Champhibians Diego Suarez doesn`t have green bars when he fires up. Nosy Mitsio has green body and green bars, so they aren`t visible but when he fires up, his body turns to yellow and the green bars are visible. Pics of Diego Suarez Pics of Nosy Mitsio This...
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    Another one...what locale am I????

    Chris Anderson: The cham on the pic has red bars and green body. Nice photo
  8. H

    Another one...what locale am I????

    This is not Sambava nor Diego Suarez for sure. He looks like Ampiskiana or crossed Nosy Mitsio. Anyway, nice looking cham.
  9. H

    Furcifer pardalis Nosy Be True Blue and Purple Bar Ambilobe

    Hello! I am looking for one pair of Furcifer pardalis Nosy Be True Blue around 6 moths old. The male should have sky blue color, without dark stripes and red or black spots on body. I am from Europe and I will attend the Hamm Show in Germany on September. I am also looking for one...
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    panther sexing question...

    Looks like female of Diego Suarez to me.
  11. H

    mitsio pic

    Wow, your Mitsio is just amazing! One of the best Mitsio`s I have seen. Could you please send me e-mail address or some other contact on the Danisch guy? How much did you pay for one pair? I am very interested for this Mitsio.
  12. H

    Bad Company

    Very nice chameleons. I love your Nosy Mitsio. He looks awesome!
  13. H


    Thank you guys for all responses. My friend bought it as Nosy Be but i was curious what you think. I was little confused, because i saw two photos of Ambanja on Miwill`s page that looked very similarly. Here is a photo of Miwill`s Ambanja Aren`t there any specific marks that can for 99%...
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    Hello! My friend bought this F.pardalis but he doesn`t know what local it is. If you have any ideas, let me know.
  15. H

    F.pardalis Nosy Mitsio Vs Ampiskiana

    Hello Does anyone know, what are the main color differences between these two locals?
  16. H

    PIcs of all panther locals

    To Chris Anderson: Thank you for explanation. I asked about Tamatave and Diego Suarez last week because i saw some pictures and videos on the internet and some of them looks very differently then mine. Yes, i don`t have experiences with locales like Ambato, Nosy Faly... Best regards
  17. H

    PIcs of all panther locals

    I have never heard about F. pardalis Ambato. Looks like Ambanja in my opinion
  18. H

    Nosy Be is very ill

    I didn`t let do a necropsy. I buried him on the garden under the tree. I think that the guy, who sold me the Nosy Be, gave him some antibiotic (probably he had some parasite, before he sold me him) and damaged his metabolism. Thanks for all the responses
  19. H

    Nosy Be is very ill

    My Nosy Be died today at eleven o`clock. My father gave him misting at eight o`clock before he went to work. I checked him at ten o`clock, he was on a bough and staring up with closed eyes and opened mouth. I found him at eleven o`clock on the ground. When i took him from the terrarium, he had...
  20. H

    Nosy Be is very ill

    Thank you friends for all the advices. I gave him 30 minutes of shower today (he sat on the plant and it seemed that he liked it), i will do it till monday. On monday, i will buy the "pedialyte" for him and i will see, if this help him. If not, i will take him to veteriarian for the test against...
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