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  1. NastyNate

    Lighting question:

    I've heard a lot of talk about compact fluorescent light bulbs causing health issues. What kind of health issues have been confirmed due to the use of CFLs? Also, glass, plastic, and even mesh screen blocks out the beneficial UVB/A rays. It says on the box of Zoo Med tube fluorescent bulbs that...
  2. NastyNate

    New Female Trioceros Perreti

    I just got this female Southern Peacock Cham from LLL Reptile yesterday. The three they had left were all in pretty bad shape. I thought this female might be gravid so I picked her up. She also was in the best condition out of the bunch. I was wondering if someone knowledgeable on this species...
  3. NastyNate

    Is she gravid?

    I will keep you posted with lots and lots of pics! And I'll keep you in mind if this come to fruition :)
  4. NastyNate

    Is she gravid?

    Thanks suzi! I'm assuming she is fertile because she was a WC. In that case, I may have little peacocks in the coming months :)
  5. NastyNate

    Is she gravid?

    Also, this species is known to produce very small clutches. So I'm guessing it would be difficult to tell. Here is a link to the article by Chris Anderson, there is a picture of a gravid female:
  6. NastyNate

    Is she gravid?

    Thank you! She is very sweet. Should the sand bucket be in a separate enclosure? Or is it ok where it is. I just want her to have easy access when I am away at work.
  7. NastyNate

    Is she gravid?

    I got a Southern Peacock (Trioceros Perreti) today from LLL Reptile. She was being kept with 2 other females that were in horrible shape. The conditions were not suitable for this species as well. I have been researching this species heavily, although not much is out there. I know Chris Anderson...
  8. NastyNate

    chamaeleo wiedersheimi gestation length?

    Does anyone know the approximate gestation time for the peacock chameleon (c. wiedersheimi)?
  9. NastyNate

    Hello! do you want to be my friend! Lol

    Haha my girlfriend feels the same way! I think anything that comes out of my mouth starting with a "c" is automatically tuned out :)
  10. NastyNate

    Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

    This thread is amazing! Major kudos to your efforts and progress!
  11. NastyNate

    Newcomer, would like some input on my DIY enclosure

    Thank you! I did mean foliage when I said substrate, I will make the proper adjustments. I'll also look into the proper supplements. I appreciate the advice :)
  12. NastyNate

    Newcomer, would like some input on my DIY enclosure

    Thanks for the input everyone! I'll make those adjustments and update you all with some pictures soon. As far as lighting goes, She does have a UVB light and heat light. I also dust her crickets with Flunker's calcium with D3. I know the enclosure looks pretty bare, but she is smaller than my...
  13. NastyNate

    Newcomer, would like some input on my DIY enclosure

    Although this is my first post, I've been reading through this forum since I got my baby veiled, about 2 weeks ago. It has been so nice to see how helpful and friendly everyone is on this site! I am a first time chameleon owner, but I think I have a pretty good handle on things thanks to this...
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