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  1. litahudak

    Calciworms/Phoenix worms

    Hey guys, so I got some Calciworms from Mulberry Farms and have quite a few. Most are pretty small but some have turned black and barely move. From what I've read so far that means they're getting ready to turn into flies.. So what's the next move? Should I move them into another container or...
  2. litahudak

    Toto's new outdoor setup in TX

    My little guy was sick and people on here told me to move him outside. I live in Florida and he does fine, though I plan on bringing him in during nights here shortly since it'll start getting into the 60s. Good luck! Mine has done a million times better outdoors.
  3. litahudak


    How cold can silkworms tolerate? Last night I accidentally left them outside and it dropped to 61 and they're dead. I know that you can keep the cooler and they won't move.. These things won't move PERIOD! Sat them by my refridgerator for a couple hours.. Nothing, not even when you poke them. So...
  4. litahudak

    Little guy is on the mend!

    Hey all, I posted a few weeks ago.. practically daily letting you all know how my 2mo mailed veiled wasn't eating. Thanks for all the advice, because yesterday was a milestone. He finally ate 3 silkworms by himself (I've had the luxury of trying to force feed him his medicine and supplement...
  5. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Luckily yesterday he looked like he was plumping a little. Whatever supplement he gave me is definetly putting some weight back on and I haven't even been able to get as much in him as the doctor advised.
  6. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Yeah, I was happy with the vet but that was a little disconcerning that he couldn't quite tell the difference. He had a few pictures of some chameleons he had which was a little comforting.. It's hard to find a good vet. And honestly I can't remember the medicine *which I know is awful. Today I...
  7. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Okay, thanks! By the way guys, here's some photos from this morning. I was shooting through the cage so hopefully everyone can see!
  8. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    makes sense. If the silkworms don't work I'll def try it.
  9. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Haha yeah, being a Floridian I (unfortunately) am quite familiar with fruit flies. Annoying little pests, but if the silkworms don't work I'm more than willing to try them.
  10. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Okay, thanks so much I'll call the vets office so hopefully you don't have to send me one :)
  11. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    I haven't tried fruit flies. I've actually only read about them. Is it the actual fly or the larva you feed?
  12. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    I mean, as bad as things seem to get (I've read some horror stories), he's not all that awful. He's colorful and alert when you wake him up. He can see. I'm grateful for the fact that he's being a trooper through it and I'm fairly certain he'll be fine (don't want to jinx myself.)
  13. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    By the way Seeco, your avatar has to be the CUTEST thing I think I've ever seen. :D
  14. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Those pics are about a week old. Right now his color is the same, he's just less plump and sleepy :/ tomorrow when it's daylight I can take a pic if you guys want. Generally, though, he looks healthy. It's just the fact he looks skinny (even for a baby) and he sleeps. Aside from that his color...
  15. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Thanks, guys. I think he's pretty adorable myself. And the cutest part is that if I go in to mist or something instead of running away he'll crawl onto my hand. I was surprised at how much he tries to be handled since my other one is the total opposite. the only thing (you can kind of see it...
  16. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Okay, thanks!
  17. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    Sounds like they're gonna have to become a liquid lol. Well.. I'm used to doing it with marine life, but I guess I can always change things up and do it with crickets.
  18. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    This is my little guy who couldn't quite figure out how to get out of the cup. I think this was about the third day I'd noticed he wasn't eating. **** finally got my new screen cage from LLL the day after so he's not in this one anymore.
  19. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    So mush the crickets up and then force or leave them in a cup?
  20. litahudak

    Sad Cham follow up

    I do from about a week ago if you'd like. The only one I have since he was sick he was in his travel case at the vets :/ I can post any of them, though.
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