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  1. F

    Finished my Cage. (with pics)

    haha thanks guys, but yeah i sealed/stain in a few times.
  2. F

    Finished my Cage. (with pics)

    So about two weeks ago I asked a few questions on here and decided the cage I had ordered from chameleons only was going to be too small for a chameleon, and that I should just build one how I wanted. Just wanted to post some pics of it on here and see what y'all thought about it. Right now the...
  3. F

    Reptile Expo! April 1st!

    I would love to go! Unfortunately, google says itd be a 20 hour drive! haha
  4. F

    Why Do Chams Do This?

    Yeah just finished reading a book about chameleons, and this is true. "To exploit the sun's radiation even more intensively, chameleons flatten their body so that they can expose the largest possible surface area to the sun." Taken from "Chameleons: Care and Breeding". Its an small, old book I...
  5. F

    New Cham room is comin on:-0

    Wow looks awesome! Cant imagine having that many chameleon eyes on me at once!
  6. F

    Cage tour vid!!

    Awesome setup man. Building my cage this week and going to put the decor in after. Yours gave me a lot of ideas!
  7. F


    Yeah definitely believe that, already telling my girlfriend stories from y'all and making her get on to see the pics, sure she will have an account soon!
  8. F


    Don't even have a chameleon yet (working on building a bigger cage than the one I had bought), but I'm already addicted! Most freetime now and im browsing these forums or looking at pics.
  9. F

    good advice,great photos,thanx everyone.

    Oh yeah, have to agree with you. Even when I see criticism, it is always constructive criticism. Best chameleon website ever!
  10. F

    Fred pics

    Haha, fred is definitely an entertainer. Think the second pic made me laugh out loud.
  11. F

    Imma leave this right here

    hahaha nice, definitely saving this one.
  12. F

    newbie questions

    Wow, thanks a lot for those links, read them all and came to this conclusion. I think I am going to dust with this every feeding with the exception of 1 day a week. I will also be gutloading the little critters with repashy bug burger for at first atleast, because it is what I have at the moment...
  13. F

    newbie questions

    Alright gotcha. Thanks SO much for the help. Just want to be able to give my little guy/girl the happiest/healthiest life possible
  14. F

    newbie questions

    Thanks for the tips. Yeah instead of buying a new cage I am thinking of using that as an eventual outside cage and building one that is 4 feet tall. They will both be screened, I understand glass is a big no no. haha Well I have the repashy superfoods calcium plus (vitamins and calcium)...
  15. F

    newbie questions

    Hey ya'all. Been reading this forums for awhile and researching chameleons and finally decided to get one(they give me a constant smile haha). But anyways have a few questions before i actually make the purchase. It should either be a panther chameleon or veiled chameleon, depending on what my...
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