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  1. nightanole

    Italian Cleaner Crew

    two day time lapse of left over pasta.
  2. nightanole

    Just a few pics

    At least im not the only one that uses slate for the heating pad.
  3. nightanole


    The only time i have had this issue is over feeding lizards pinkies. AKA too much organ meat. And this caused kidney issues, not gout. You are correct that gout is caused by the kidneys not getting rid of the uric acid fast enough. Unfortunately i dont have the key of either increasing...
  4. nightanole


    High protein feeders dont cause gout. feeding high protein feeders, high protein, causes the feeders to store protein as uric acid. Uric acid is unique to the insect world. Us mouth breathers can not "store" protein. So our bodies do not know what to do with the stuff. Mouth breathers then...
  5. nightanole

    Blood in chameleon poop

    Poop technology Starts off white urate and transitions to brown fecal yours starts off white, does the transition to orange(this is where dehydrate comes in, if its alot of orange then its dehydrated) I dont see orange urate and after the first 1/3 of the poo, the urate is covering the fecal...
  6. nightanole

    Blood in chameleon poop

    I dont think that is blood. Blood in stool isnt blood colored, and if it is, its only during the first few minutes of being pooped. So it might just be something red. What is your feeders and gut load?
  7. nightanole

    Tail discoloration

    If ANYTHING gets injured, its going to pretty much make the whole limb/tail dark from the injury to the tip/end. Its not nearly as bad as it looks. One cricket bite or a scrape is enough.
  8. nightanole


    It will work. SInce its not halogen its only going to last 1000 ish hours. So you will need 2-3 a year. I switched to these two styles long ago. They are basically a bulb in a bulb. I was tipped off to these by my turtle guy as they are basically splashproof.
  9. nightanole

    My chameleon is blind

    "chicken or beef" That's better than my vet "cherry or bubble gum" I went with bubble gum, it was pink, the beardy loved it. Vet said they have a natural sweet tooth.
  10. nightanole

    The Pain of Wearing Cloths

    And Lola was not happy he had to take a bath after rolling in poo...
  11. nightanole

    The Pain of Wearing Cloths

    The sweaters are made of fail...
  12. nightanole

    Its that time of year again

    Stink bugs. They are beardy and cham approved staples. Not sure where you are from, but up north, these little guys invade your house, live rent free till spring, then move on. They dont eat anything, just kinda hibernate near the ceiling where they can keep an eye on you.
  13. nightanole

    Its that time of year again

    LET US IN!!!
  14. nightanole

    What are these lumps on my chameleon

    Happens all the time. You get stuck shed. Then you get another, and the one closest to the skin never dries out and just becomes a biodome for things that can live off of skin. Once the skin is removed its pretty easy to clear up with little effort.
  15. nightanole

    Good chamelons for 2x2x4?

    Dont know. All i know are girls are green/moss and guys are sand/gravel.
  16. nightanole

    Good chamelons for 2x2x4?

    Alot of people who want large chams, just double up the 2x2x4, or have a "free range" that is used daily, but the cham sleeps in the locked up cage. As for cool large species, Oustalet's are huge and harty, and come in some color variants.
  17. nightanole

    What are these lumps on my chameleon

    Im concerned about the multiple layers of shed on the same spot. That is normally a fungus or bacteria issue. Once you get to layer two, layer one become a bacteria bed.
  18. nightanole

    UVB Fixture

    I did the math years ago (have fun finding my posts 10 years ago), but Beman is right. Without individual reflectors, output is horrible beyond a 2 bulb fixture. Like a 4 bulb was only putting out 133% (and inners 33% of rated) of a 2 bulb which was only putting out 166% of a 1 bulb, bad...
  19. nightanole

    The Pain of Wearing Cloths

    Can you guess which two love sweaters and who wishes the world would end?
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