UVB Fixture

I personally would not buy this set up without having a solarmeter. Because there is only one reflector and it does not come up in between each bulb space. Your UVB is actually going to have much less output then with individual reflectors that come up in between.

For example when I started out I ran quad units. So this is the same idea as what you have but 4 bulbs and still one reflector like this one. I had to run a 12% bulb and lift my branch to 6-7 inches below the screen to get a 3 UVI level. A 12% bulb in an individual fixture or in a multi fixture that has individual reflectors that come up between the bulbs would need 11-12 inches from bottom of fixture to the branch to get the same 3 UVI.
So this shows the extreme reduction you get having only one reflector panel in a multi fixture that does not come up in between the bulbs to separate them.

You would never add additional aluminum screen below any UVB fixture that already is sitting on top of an aluminum window screen top. As is you loose 40% of the output with the cage aluminum screen. So adding anything additional would cause that much more of a reduction in output.
I did the math years ago (have fun finding my posts 10 years ago), but Beman is right. Without individual reflectors, output is horrible beyond a 2 bulb fixture. Like a 4 bulb was only putting out 133% (and inners 33% of rated) of a 2 bulb which was only putting out 166% of a 1 bulb, bad.

Honestly the only number i can remember is a quad puts out only 250% of a single.

If you are going multi bulb, i highly recommend getting individual reflectors (at one put LYR had clip ons per bulb), either with daisy chained single fixtures, or multi fixtures with clip on or molding in singles.
I have already bought this.
Then you have two options only. Get a solarmeter 6.5 so you can verify your levels. Or get another daylight bulb to replace the UVB bulb in it and buy a single bulb fixture to put the UVB bulb in that comes with this fixture.

But I can tell you the output on that one with a 6% is going to be horrible and far below what is recommended to prevent MBD.
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