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  1. nightanole

    Gular Edema

    "Should I cut back supplements? I started repashy with A and D3 twice a month instead of once because he gets less sun since it’s winter." At minimum they doubled the monthly dosage recently. Every cham is a different, they can go 5 years on the same sched and then end up with edema and need...
  2. nightanole

    Gular Edema

    My goto for edema is remove all vitamin/mineral supplements for 30 days and see if it goes away. Only give them calcium without D3. 9 out of 10 times its due to a build up of fat soluble vitamin. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble vitamins
  3. nightanole

    I’m breeding crickets

    What keeps my crickets alive is airflow airflow airflow. All my bins have at least 2 full sides of heavy guage screen, other than the pin heads. If you dont have enough airflow, they will literally fart themselves to death from not getting the poop gases out.
  4. nightanole

    What water to use in MistKing

    I have well water. Its just softened and ran through at 2 stage filter. No RO or DI. I never had clogs. Do get the white powder on the leaves though.
  5. nightanole

    I’m breeding crickets

    Your doing it all wrong... Get a tarantula setup with coco fiber. Keep it moist Put in hand full of crickets tarantula.exe not found crickets fall in love sea of pinheads a few weeks later rescue annoyed tarantula Also excuse to post snowball pics
  6. nightanole

    Canned silkworms??

    Im curious what a canned one looks like. I mean ive seen dead ones that are only a few hours post mortem, they look like deflated flat tires.
  7. nightanole

    Only eating crickets

    The issue is if 100% crickets is a healthy diet, that is perfectly fine. The issue is when hunger strikes start, now you have nothing to fall back on. I just do feeder cups with a trail mix of feeders and hope for some misses. Its pretty common for juveniles to only each just crickets. And by...
  8. nightanole

    Question regarding reptivite

    D3 is at least every 2 weeks for a growing cham. And its still every 2 weeks for vitamins. This is somewhat dependent on the cham. Some get over supplemented and get edema from too many fat soluble vitamins.
  9. nightanole

    Cryptoleamus montrouzieri mealy bug eaters

    They are not toxic if eaten. And since they only eat mealy bug things, they wont eat the plants later.
  10. nightanole


    They will give you a pic of the cham before they ship.
  11. nightanole

    UVB Change

    Yea in my case it pays for its self in a year or so if you are running multiple cages. If you are just running one bulb, well $250 can buy a lot of bulbs :p In my case i was even recycling the 12%'s from the beardy cages to the cham cages after they went down by half, then its like having a...
  12. nightanole

    Has anyone seen theseand are they suitable popupchameleon

    That could fit small humans lol
  13. nightanole

    UVB Change

    I can get several years out of the arcadia and Zoomed T5 HO's before they go down by half power and need to be exchanged. At the 24 month mark ive had at least 2/3 new output on 5 bulbs. So its not detrimental to be a little off. They only need a few hours of direct sunlight per week, which...
  14. nightanole

    Has anyone seen theseand are they suitable popupchameleon

    Arent these just pop up laundry hampers with a lizard on the box?
  15. nightanole

    Getting rid of tiny flies

    Ive had good luck with this style. You just fill it with "stuff" and a drop of dish soap. The stuff can be a piece of fruit in water, or a bit of vinegar, or even a bit of wine.
  16. nightanole

    Chameleon eggs splitting.

    I have not raise a cham egg. But i got split reptile eggs due to fert eggs rotting. The egg would die, and burst from the outgassing/swelling. Slugs on the other hand never swelled/burst/split, they just rotted and collapsed.
  17. nightanole

    Almost 6 years old and still passing slugs

    You know, i never put two and two together that the live birthers would lay slugs just like the eggers...
  18. nightanole

    What the hell did I got on my roaches

    If that is a fruit fly larva, then you live next to a nuke plant. Guessing its just blue bottle or house fly. It seems you maybe running a bit wet in the tank. But honestly you are going to end up with cleaner crew one way or the other :P
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