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  1. Brodybreaux25

    first breeding bleeding - check in on commonality?

    Next time you might want to actually tag the member you think may be able to help
  2. Brodybreaux25

    She’s my first, I’m so in love!

    Cookie please
  3. Brodybreaux25

    chameleon laid 1 egg

    a lot, but no need to worry over that just yet, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. ask for an x-ray from above so you can also see her bone density
  4. Brodybreaux25

    She’s my first, I’m so in love!

    Dead pool. Nessa needs a bin ....I know you know that but just wanted to emphasize. Congratulations.
  5. Brodybreaux25

    chameleon laid 1 egg

    Dropped eggs get a vet visit no matter what, it’s automatic.
  6. Brodybreaux25

    Egg or urine sac?

    She’s egg bound and needs a vet today.
  7. Brodybreaux25

    chameleon laid 1 egg

    She likely couldn’t find a suitable place to lay, or never felt secure enough to. Post pics.
  8. Brodybreaux25

    Turned white and mouth opened

    Lol, I think balances it would be a better term
  9. Brodybreaux25

    Turned white and mouth opened

    Take a trip to south Louisiana. The first words out of your mouth when you step off that plane will be “oh.”
  10. Brodybreaux25

    Turned white and mouth opened

    IR temp guns measure surface temps only and are useless for measuring ambient temperature.
  11. Brodybreaux25

    Turned white and mouth opened

    Nailed it.
  12. Brodybreaux25

    Comment by 'Brodybreaux25' in media 'My Little Love Hammy'

    Just curious, where did the name Hammy come from?
  13. Brodybreaux25

    Sweet and sour story of the gutloading

    He’s saying being freindly would be a better approach, he’s not your slave
  14. Brodybreaux25

    Sweet and sour story of the gutloading

    How many languages do you speak?
  15. Brodybreaux25

    Sweet and sour story of the gutloading

    My Nosy be does the same with every feeder, holds it a couple mins sometimes. I can’t prove it but I’ve got to believe they recognize some prey items as potentially dangerous on some level. Both Roux and Momma will hit a Dubia or cricket anywhere but if you put a mantis in front of them there...
  16. Brodybreaux25

    Sweet and sour story of the gutloading

    Chill, “dude.”
  17. Brodybreaux25

    Sweet and sour story of the gutloading

    Wouldn’t that be true of all prey? I should have worded my question better. A better way to put it is do they adjust their technique based on potentially dangerous prey?
  18. Brodybreaux25

    Sweet and sour story of the gutloading

    What is it about their hunting technique that allows them to avoid the sting so well?
  19. Brodybreaux25

    My sick cham is pooping and eating, is that a good sign

    It’s better than not pooping and eating.
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