first breeding bleeding - check in on commonality?

Hi forum - i know theres been a couple posts on bleeding with first copulations, both male and female. I wanted to check in again and see if there are any further comments on how commonly this is seen. My virgin 1.5 yo male and 1 yo female bred today, and there was a significant amount of blood from the male. He has had mild prolapses before and drops a lot of semen around his cage, I'll give him a good exam when they are done, hopefully if he's ruptured something it coagulates ok.


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That is not good!!! I don't even know what to say..... there is a member maytyplant that could possibly have an idea why or how that is happening....RED BLOOD POTENTIALLY FATAL
That is not good!!! I don't even know what to say..... there is a member maytyplant that could possibly have an idea why or how that is happening....RED BLOOD POTENTIALLY FATAL
Next time you might want to actually tag the member you think may be able to help
I had that happen years ago. There should be post on my account way back if you can find it, maybe 10 years back. The male was fine, but the female had problems unfortunately.
Did your female make it long after that?? If my females did that I'd freak out!! Not enough to buy 2 years supply of toilet paper, but enough to take a trip to the vet!!
She seemed fine, appeared to be large and gravid. Stopped eating like she was going to lay, timing was right for egg laying. She was fine in the morning and dead by afternoon. When we did a necropsy, she was full of pus, no eggs. Just my experience, could be unrelated, but I would have them both checked out.
So Im a vet with some reptile experience but not a strict specialist. The male and female have had normal behaviour and appetite after the incident. It was quite a bit of blood loss for the male, seemed to happen only in the first 3 minutes of copulation. He's very stressy and I dont want to handle him too much to keep examining him. I extruded both hemipenes about an hour after they stopped mating, one of them was dark and had coagulated blood on it, the other was normal. hes been well hydrated, seems to have decent blood pressure and perfusion/not shocky, had no discharge or prolapse since then, I plan to check again tomorrow to see if there have been any changes. I believe he ruptured a vessel, they get up to pretty high pressures in there, and it happens to males in a couple other species. I do worry about him bleeding inside the female and having caused a problem that way, she does look a tiny bit more distended than before the mating, but theres nothing I''d be able to do about it. I will take a radiograph tomorrow and see if theres any fluid in her abdomen, and again in 2 weeks. I dont want to over-xray any developing eggs either! Ponders, I wonder if your female may have had necrotic tissue from internal trauma? I was definitely shocked to see such a large amount of fresh blood!
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