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  1. BClizzi

    Chameleon check up

    you got yourself a girl :)
  2. BClizzi

    Chameleon check up

    looks like a female to me. Can you send a photo of its back feet? from the back? there are little spurs on their feet from the day they are born
  3. BClizzi

    Chameleon check up

    i would recommend zoomed repti calcium.
  4. BClizzi

    Chameleon check up

    looks and sounds good. It looks like there are places where there are no plants so i would fill up their cage with vines and more foliage. also dust your crickets with calcium without d3 every day and with d3 every other week. Do you have a uvb bulb?
  5. BClizzi

    Age guesses?

    yeah she looks pretty younge. I did the same thing a few weeks ago with a chameleon that looks exactly like yours but he never ate or drank and it was the hardest thing for me to return him.
  6. BClizzi

    Cosy chameleon

    thats so cute :0 his veil looks a little messed up but everyone has their flaws :)
  7. BClizzi

    Skin stuck, first shed with her

    misting should be working.... Just keep trying to mist her. It should help if you do it 5 or 6 times a day.
  8. BClizzi

    Age guesses?

    i would guess maybe a month and a half... She has a long time to go befor eggs :)
  9. BClizzi

    Regulating temperatures in the coldest of weather

    i had a few candles running all day and that heated my room up pretty well. I also had to upgrade my bulbs... i would the candles and see if it helps...
  10. BClizzi

    Age guess please

    i would guees 4-5 months maybe. She also looks dehydrated....
  11. BClizzi

    Gutloading Dubias

    so i have close to 100 dubias and im not sure what to gutload them and if i already am.... I have a mixture of non medical chicken feed, fishflakes, catfood, and calcium powder blended up into a powder. i have that constantly in the container with water crystals. My question is is that good...
  12. BClizzi

    Spine spikes lopsided

    okay no you were very helpful. He gets without d3 daily and with d3 every month. The one concern was that he was getting with d3 every day. Not sure how that has affected him but he seems fine to me. Im sure its nothing but wanted to check. Thanks :)
  13. BClizzi

    Happy or not?

    and yes he might be trying to get warm most of the time because its winter :) but it should be fine. As long as your temps are good, its just a little expected stress
  14. BClizzi

    Happy or not?

    he looks fine to me. He may be a little stressed out but that is normal. Environment changes are hard on chams.
  15. BClizzi

    Spine spikes lopsided

    his crickets were dusted with calcium every day so im not sure. his spine looks funky in the pictures because the way he was sitting. he didnt like the camera too much
  16. BClizzi

    Spine spikes lopsided

    Pickels spikes on his back are off to the side. Im almost positive he does not have MBD. Everything else is perfect and no other signs of it. Hes amazing. But if you have any idea, let me know. The previous owners let him have acces to touch the top of the cage with his veil and back so maybe...
  17. BClizzi

    Chameleon hasn't eaten

    i would keep trying. Also try putting a pencil in the dirt and start a hole next to it. They like digging next to trees for protection
  18. BClizzi

    Chameleon hasn't eaten

    perfect. dont put any sticks or anything to climb on. cover the glass with a shirt so she cant see outside.
  19. BClizzi

    Chameleon hasn't eaten

    okay yeah sorry. i thought i saw something but nope :)
  20. BClizzi

    Chameleon hasn't eaten

    a spur is a lump on the back feet of a male veiled. Its how you tell gender from the first day they are born. It does not affect her but if she did have one your girl would actually be a guy.
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