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  1. qdude46

    My little Bubbles

    Not an expert with that area but that's either a hempimene or a sperm plug, a more experienced member will give you insight on that. Although, can you find the how to ask for help sticky under health clinic and copy and paste it with your husbandry info.
  2. qdude46

    So Cal Earthquakes: How are your pets doing?

    Glad that none of your guys' were harshly damaged. I wasn't at home for he biggest one so when my mom called me, my second question after are you ok was are my tanks ok?
  3. qdude46

    Chameleons the size of Dogs-

    Just imagine if it would curl up at your feet and go to sleep, ha! A huge panther at the foot of your bed or even better, snuggled on the bed post!
  4. qdude46

    how do I vote?

    On the home page, look at the photo contest box in the upper center of the page. The box should have a small link that says vote today or something like that in the bottom center of the photo contest box.
  5. qdude46

    croton petras safe?

    They are toxic if eaten, so that's mainly a problem for Veileds. However, if you let feeders run loose around the cage, they might eat the croton, the chameleon will eat the crickets and can be harmed. I could be wrong but this is true for geckos and I'm pretty sure for chams too.
  6. qdude46

    bamboo shafts from home depot ?

    I wouldn't use bamboo. Geckos can latch on to them but the way chameleon feet are shaped, bamboo would be to smooth of a surface for them to grip.
  7. qdude46

    So Cal Earthquakes: How are your pets doing?

    For those who are in aware there's been a lot of earthquakes recently in soithern California including a 5.1, 4.1, and 3.3. Have anybody's chameleons or other pets been acting strange? Did it hurt and of your pets? At the time I had my rats out and the one rat they has never sat still sat in my...
  8. qdude46

    Barbie Feeds My Cham

    This made my friend and I laugh so hard!
  9. qdude46

    what would you do...?

    You daughter has best idea. If she truly wants to go be accepted at your house, she will apologize. Be careful though because I know people that age (I'm almost 14) who will try to to get sympathy and I understand that she does have a hard family life, but it would be the best for your daughter...
  10. qdude46

    My little Stanley is 4 today!!!

    He looks great! Your very lucky to have him,happy hatch day Stanley!
  11. qdude46

    Chameleons the size of Dogs-

    Imagine the urates...
  12. qdude46

    pygmy chameleon breeding pair- newbie questions

    Looking good but i think a ficus or schefflera would provide more foliage in that upper left corner. Also im pretty sure the 2nd pic is of a beautiful male.
  13. qdude46

    Wanna know what's funny, lol?

    I was at an expo and i asked a guy who was holding a panther and i said hes really pretty, what locale and he says, its a chameleon. I tell him, i know hat locale is it. His answer, a pan-ther...(says it slowly). im just like wow. another time i asked to briefly hold someones panther and a guy...
  14. qdude46

    What type of chameleon is this?

    No it's not furcifer, it's what rshewfel said. Also called the rosette nosed pygmy chameleon. Not very common in the pet trade.
  15. qdude46

    What to put in my 50 gallon tank?

    Yes! Collared lizard, I want one so bad.
  16. qdude46

    Getting there...

    Looks good but been of the plants do fill in a ice schefflera or ficus in the center would probably really help. Do you plan on upgrading it when it gets to small?
  17. qdude46

    If there were new CITES species quotas?

    I imagine it will take a little while though for anyone to find out the exact science of their husbandry.
  18. qdude46

    If there were new CITES species quotas?

    I can't believe they even have a small quota for brookesia minima, how would someone even kind those in a viv!
  19. qdude46


    With some math in my head I'd maybe say one year = 10-13 chameleon years. 8years for at nosy be, wow! That's quite awhile.
  20. qdude46

    Adult and Neonate Pygmy vivs (Description)&(Pics)

    Most people try to find WC ones to breed as the cb market for them is very small. I was luck enough to find a breeder on here after a whole year of searching but yeah it's difficult to find captive bred.
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