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  1. W

    Shipping advice

    I have to say, I don't think there's a lot right with this plan. Issues with insulation and heat packs have already been mentioned. Pack your animals as though someone is going to throw that box down a flight of stairs. I'm not kidding. It might happen. You have no idea what will happen...
  2. W

    Why is this katydid red? ...and other questions...

    Be aware when handling them that katydids have quite the sturdy jaws on them, and aren't at all afraid to use them, lol. They will also eat other insects, and cannibalize.
  3. W

    Repashy Calcium Plus

    Keep in mind that vitamins can oxidize and expire, so don't buy more than you will use in 6 months, if you can help it. :)
  4. W

    Red runner help...

    Vaseline kept mine in, when I was breeding Lobsters and Hissers. (The lobsters wound up out anyhow, since I would lose them while feeding--I don't recommend that species, lol). There used to be a great product called Bug Stop that you could paint around the top rim, but I believe the...
  5. W

    Some Thoughts On Breeding

    I'm a small breeder hoping to become a larger one over time. I have started with ball pythons, and also produce a few small geckos. I absolutely love chameleons, and have never owned one. I am doing all the research I can to make sure that I'm absolutely prepared before I do. I'm not quite...
  6. W

    Please Help

    The new mercury-vapor reptile lights, like the Repti-sun, are fantastic, BUT...they put out a lot of heat. They put out a lot more UVB than a fluorescent strip light, and throw it a lot further, and they produce ample UVB for 3 years. However, the animal only receives that light when basking...
  7. W

    Its time to play: NAME THAT BUG!

    I would be concerned that the adults may be loaded with arsenic, due to their food plant of choice, so I wouldn't actually recommend feeding those to herps, either.
  8. W

    Its time to play: NAME THAT BUG!

    Eastern Tent Caterpillars/Tent moths are not Gypsy moths. Tent moths are a native species, although they can be a pest if they get on a young tree--they will strip all of the leaves. Gypsy moths are a voracious invasive species that kill lots of trees, and have even derailed a train--the...
  9. W

    NEW C. gracilis x calyptratus hybrid

    You DO get to name them, and most folks will use it, since you did it first. I suggest 'dancer chameleons' (well, they are graceful and veiled, right? lol...) Anti-hybrid folks...I feel for you, but I can't come up with a rational reason as to why. These are pets. They will always be...
  10. W

    Last Chance to stop the Python and Boa Ban!

    The Deadline for Public Comment on the US Fish & Wildlife Service proposed Rule Change is midnight on May, 11 2010. If enacted this rule could have devastating impact on the Reptile Nation. Damage will not be limited to breeders of the 4 pythons, 4 anacondas and Boa Contrictor. It would have far...
  11. W


    The LLL one is the same as this: Only, you know, more expensive... <lol> They come from the same manufacturer, the LLL one is just dressed up a little with a logo and new buttons. I asked them what the difference was between them. The lack of an...
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