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  1. Bombbow

    Is my cham going to die??

    He seems really sick and he's a dark color and I am worried that he's going to pass away. I've had him for only a month and a half. And I can't seem to make him feel better. I'm going to try and get him to the vet but they aren't there til Monday.
  2. Bombbow

    Eye still closed

    It's been like this for a couple weeks now.
  3. Bombbow

    Eye still closed

    He has a uvb bulb from zoo med and it's new. But he also gets natural light because he's in a sun room.
  4. Bombbow

    Eye still closed

    I try but it's always the same I can't seem to get it any higher. Maybe it's because I have a cage instead of glass?
  5. Bombbow

    Eye still closed

    His humidity is around 55-60
  6. Bombbow

    Eye still closed

    i took my vieled chameleon to the vet a couple weeks ago because his eye was closed. They gave me drops and it still is closed. He opens it when he eats but other then that it's closed.
  7. Bombbow

    Chameleon diet

    i can only get my chameleon to eat crickets. I've tried to put mealworms in a container multiple times but he only seems to want crickets. Any tips or anything else I can try to feed him? He's about 3 months old.
  8. Bombbow

    Drinking enough?

    I have a dripper that is always on, and dripping off leaves and I am misting constantly but I am concerned he isn't drinking enough. How do I know if he's drinking enough?
  9. Bombbow


    Oh no I didn't realize! Haha
  10. Bombbow


    Outside for the first time
  11. Bombbow

    Changing color!!

    Oh wow! Yours is cute, I seen your profile picture and guessed she was a gIrl and I was right haha
  12. Bombbow

    Changing color!!

    T three months old :)
  13. Bombbow

    Changing color!!

    He's changing his colors finally
  14. Bombbow


    Will they avoid basking? Because he isn't basking at all he's just under neath a log..
  15. Bombbow


    Ok thank you!
  16. Bombbow


    Yayyy Should I be directly misting him or just misting his cage a lot more?
  17. Bombbow


    Does this mean my vieled chameleon is shedding? He's usually bright green.
  18. Bombbow

    Chameleon has one eye closed

    Wow I went to a petco in Northern California and they paid for the visit to the vet and the medicine and everything! I'm sorry I hope he gets better
  19. Bombbow

    Chameleon has one eye closed

    Oh! Haha. Well keep me updated to see if hes okay
  20. Bombbow

    Chameleon has one eye closed

    How long has it been since they gave you the ointment??
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