I find layers on my tv set, i dont think they are eating it. They lay eggs in a moist spot, and they only eat grains, and maybe seeds because those are grains too? But they will not eat the hull.
Oh some times its out of a monster movie. You will get a bloom over a few days and you will see this living sand on everthing in the room. The sand wil move and rise up even a half inch and then go back down. It makes people want to just throw a roach bomb into the room and run. But like i...
They are a great staple. And they eat things that most staples will not, thats what makes them a great staple.
If you think about it, if all your staples get fed about the same food/gut load, its not really a good staple selection, you are just changing the shape of the feeder, not the...
9/10 it happens juuuuuust before adulthood due to a congenital defect. Some organ could support a certain body size, but during the last growth spurt when they are doing their last doubling in body mass, said organ just couldnt keep up.
As the resident expert on creating grain mite colonies...
They require 3 things:
Grains. Not carbs, not bran, not seeds, just grain. Hint hint, no oatmeal, just bran.
Mites. They normally hitch a ride on something else.
But all hope is not lost, at least for the supers. To get...
That doesnt look bad. I see no chemicals nor things like water beads or other white things noe vermiculite.
People need to realize that plants do need "food" not just scorched earth dirt. So they are going to have poop, dead plants, etc, in this case they also have meal worm husks :)
You just need "something" that doesnt have fertilizer nor water beads.
But if its organic, it should not have chemical fertilizer in it period. It might have more natty sources like manure etc.
When in doubt just get compost and normal dirt and mix. But most potting soil is going to have...
When they are that young, you keep them cool and no basking light. The UVB light is fine for a 20" tall cage. Supplement looks fine if you are not giving it every feeding. LoD might be once a week for a baby.
What are your temps?
Not sure about a staple, but yea i use them for very crunchy snacks. In fact it was his favorite, he actually moved to get them vs just being a tongue turret.
I was wondering what was going to happen over the last few weeks with 10 degree higher than normal temps and zero rain. Even the tegu will not stay outside in the sun for more than 45min, and normally he sun baths for hours.
At almost 4 months i dont even know how you bought him, most breeders dont sell that early. So yes i would keep feeding daily. Maybe at 7 months you could hold off for every 2 days for a week or two.
water source
"is it stuck" checks"
You could make the sitters life easier if you have 7 dixy cups of crickets pre made. Just throw in some quarter inch cubed carrots or potatoes for food/moisture. We dont really care about gutload etc, just "is it still eating?".
As the owner of an ever living cockatiel (its 22 years old), i can say chameleons and small lizards(beardies) HATE IT. You get instant poofs from across the room even if the bird is minding its own business.