Good gut load such as cricket crack and fresh fruits and veggies and fresh water. Read this pay close attn to gutload section but as a feeder crickets are avg I personally believe roaches are the best way to go for your staple feeder.
If she comes from petco or petsmart she may be sick of mealworms and that is kinda a good thing they aren't that good for chameleons when she is full grown Super worms (Zophobas morio) (also don't buy small super worms some bad pet stores sell meal worm as small super worms there is a big...
Since your kinda new here are some from the resources section that are good to read , , and
Yes my cham did take to them right away. I always try to make sure the feeders are in a place where my cham will see them and the feeders have movement to me that is the key to getting your cham to eat. Dubia roaches tend not to move much when they are in the light they freeze I use a deli cup...
Ok I tried again with and with out Reward for the code and I get a message saying code is not valid even with out the code 118.00 is a good price for a great system but any discount would make it better or maybe throw in a free Trioceros sternfeldi
You can try some of the site sponsers like , , , , , and one of my favs . There toher places like ebay and Rainbowmealworms...
You may want to change the place you get your feeders from or type of feeders you use. I have not used crickets since my cham was over eight months old and switched to Dubia roaches as main feeder with some silk, horn, and super worms all farm raised and so far have always had (fingers crossed )...
What does the coupon do? I have entered it and nothing happens also it came to 109.99 with free standard shipping but then i was hit with 7.70 in tax making it a grand total of 117.69
Your very welcome but this may not be the answer I hope it is but try it and keep us posted if the urates look better that's great if not you know you eliminated one possibility. Another thought is how often and how much do you supplement? Do you coat your feeders in heavy coating of sups or a...
Tap water and well water can be bad for small animals there may be high mineral content or other chems in the water that are safe for human consumption but may be bad for your pets. RO water and distilled water (since there are no minerals or chems) are best or a good filtration system on the...
Some pics would help a lot too. I don't really understand the dog food either. As for the poop it may be a blockage preventing him from pooping is there anything in the cage he might ingest with a feeder?