That power sun is a strong bulb but not ideal for a cham. In order to get the temps correct you would have the bulb too far away from the cham for it to bennifit from the UVB rays. If you have the bulb nice and close then it's too hot for the cham and you'll dehydrate the little guy. Thats why...
so I'm looking to add some verity to Godzillas diet but he's so small still (3 months old) that he can't have all the big worms yet. I found a spot where I can order 250 silk worm eggs for like $10. I'm sure they grow really fast and will quickly become too large to feed to Godzilla so I want to...
He sounds dehydrated. Will he drink from a dripper? You should try the shower method. Put him on a fake plant, or hold him, in the shower with Luke warm water. Point the shower head at the wall and place the plant where it willl get wet from the mist bouncing off that wall. Let him be in there...
You got to let him get use to his surroundings first. Give him a few weeks... maybe a month to adujust before handling him. Then start with a stick, let him climb on the stick and you can take him out that way. Depending on his temperament... Once he gets use to you he should start coming onto...
so little Godzilla is starting to show his colors. I'm seeing some green on his head, around his eye, and some on his body. It's very slight but totally there. I'll update later with some pics... I know this thread is just a teaser without any pics but I had just loaded up his cup with crickets...