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  1. Gordon


    my panther adopted 4/20/17
  2. inkdguy35

    It's a boy?

    OK this little one is about 3 months old and I'm pretty sure it's a male. I defer to the expertise of those wiser than myself and would appreciate a second opinion.
  3. Trying to chill here

    Trying to chill here

  4. Sun feels good

    Sun feels good

  5. Catching some sun

    Catching some sun

  6. inkdguy35

    Plants for veiled chameleon?

    Search for the safe plant list for chameleons. It gives numerous plants that are safe. I don't have the link handy but it will come up in any search
  7. inkdguy35

    Question about a plant?

    Golden pothos are great and totally safe if your cham takes a bite (which will surely happen)
  8. inkdguy35

    New Chameleon Not Shedding Properly and Lump on Tail??

    Get rid of the substrate at the bottom. Its a breeding ground for mold. Also is more work to clean than is worth. To keep humidity up use live plants and use a clear shower curtain on a side or two of the enclosure.
  9. inkdguy35

    Cham who should have been a cat

    Good luck. I hope they give your little guy good news
  10. inkdguy35

    Need some help

    The temp is too high. 85 would be a max temp I would have him basking at. Also move the basking spot farther from the light. May want to get him to a vet to be checked out as well. Burns are never good
  11. inkdguy35

    Cham who should have been a cat

    That could be MBD. Has he been checked out by a vet?
  12. inkdguy35

    Need some help

    It kind of looks like his casque is burnt. How far away from the light does he bask? What are the temps?
  13. inkdguy35

    Henry won't eat!

    Is he shedding? When my guy is shedding his appetite is terrible. Also as I understand it as they get older they eat less often. (Going from twice a day eating to every other day eating for example)
  14. I'm not goin back man!

    I'm not goin back man!

  15. Busted!


  16. mystery lunch

    mystery lunch

  17. little smile

    little smile

  18. Comfy seat

    Comfy seat

  19. Majestic and stuff

    Majestic and stuff

  20. inkdguy35

    Albino dubia?

    Totally possible. I didn't see it shed but I'd guess that probably more likely. Its cool either way
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